L. Magmen on the March

There are 3 magmen at each of these
locations. In general, they are having a
grand time setting everything they contact
on fire. The woods on almost the entire <Uncontrollable Fires, WSG>
south end of the island are ablaze. 2
groups of magmen are igniting the corn and
wheat fields west of Suderham. 1 group
has reached the ruins of Drachen Keep, and
is gleefully setting the whole place ablaze.

If any creature comes within 30 feet of a
magman, the para-elemental will move up to <not a magma para-elemental>
it and attack with its combustion touch. Its
purpose is just to have the poor cold creature
join the fun of the flaming ones. A
magman will pursue for 2-5 rounds, and
then become distracted and set something
else on fire.

The magmen groups are converging on
the northeast part of the island at a rate of
200 feet a turn. Unless something stops
them, they will burn the whole island clean
and then return to the volcano, before they
stiffen from the cold.

Magmen: AC 6: MV 9" (6"); HD 2; hp 9
each; #AT 1; D 3-24; SA combustion
touch; SD +1 or better weapon to hit,
immune to fire-based attacks
XP 115 each

>>Leaving the Island.