Chapter 7: The Hidden City of Suderham

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. - -

Nestled high in the peaks of the
Drachensgrab Mountains is the hidden city
of Suderham, home and base of the slave
lords. If the characters find it, there is a
twisting trail that passes through the rim of
the crater. This path is well-guarded.

As the characters move up the trail, they
have a series of encounters. The encounters
always occur in the order listed below. No
map is provided for these encounters, as
none is necessary.

The Trail
One of the major difficulties the PCss face with any encounter on the
trail is the restricted amount of space they
have. On 1 side is a precipice and on the
other is a sharply rising wall. The width varies
from 5 to 14 feet. The narrowest sections
create dangerous bottlenecks for the caravan
wagons that pass. Indeed, on the rocks below
are the smashed wagons and bleached bones
of those who did not make it.

Unless otherwise specified in an
encounter, the width of the trail will be 1-10
+4 feet in the AREA of the encounter. The
DROP will be 50-100 feet (1d6+4) to jagged
rocks below. The cliff wall will rise 30-60
feet to the next higher portion of the trail.

Spies: Shortly after starting on the trail,
the movements of the PCs will
be observed by 2 guards, hidden in a nest
above the trail. PCs carefully
observing the trail can locate the 2 if they
successfully roll their Intelligence scores or <Ability Checks, WSG>
under on 1d20. This roll should be made
only if the player states his character is looking.

Upon sighting the PCs, the
2 spies flash a signal to those further
along the trail (a mirror in the daytime or a
shuttered lantern at night). Those above
know that strangers are coming and their
numbers. The spies take no other action.
They are relieved every three days

Guards: AC 6; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 4; #AT 1;
D 1-6 with shortbow; AL LE

The Checkpoint: At this point, the trail
narrows to a width of 6 feet and passes into
a large cleft in the rim. This is the main
guard post of the trail. The trail runs generally
straight through this cleft for 150 feet.
At the outer end (which the PCs
come to first) is a heavy wooden gate
with a wooden battlement atop it. Carved
from the stone to either side are spacious
guardrooms, the entrances at the level of the
battlements. The stone walls to either side
are pierced with arrow slits.

Standing on the battlement is the captain
of the guard. He will demand to know the
business of all who enter. Those able to
show a letter of introduction or who know
the password (nilon, orcish for hot) are
allowed to enter. Those who cannot are
ordered to leave. Those who refuse this are
met with a flight from the 20 archers behind
the loopholes.

Attempts to batter the gate will make little
headway. The doors are made of oaken
beams 4 inches thick. Behind this are hammered
lead sheets, 1/2 inch thick. Finally,
there is another layer of beaming, again 4
inches thick. The hinges, hidden from the
outside, are massive to bear all the weight.
Furthermore, at the first sign of any attack,
the captain will call the rest of the guard.
These 10 men line the top of the gate and
defend with polearms <military forks>.

Beyond the gate, the cleft is lined on both
sides with more arrow slits, each 15 feet
above the ground. These are accessed by
passages quarried from the rock and connecting
to the guardrooms at both ends.
Thus, it is possible for a few archers to keep
up a deadly rain of arrows the entire length
of the cleft.

At the far end of the cleft is the final
obstacle, used by the guards only in
moments of extreme emergency. Rigged
atop the cliff walls is a deadfall of several
tons of rock. Should all else fail, the guards
release the deadfall from controls inside the
passageway. The rock will crash down,
closing the pass. Those within the last 20
feet of the cleft have 3 segments to FLEE
or be crushed. Those within 20 feet of this
AREA must make a saving throw vs. dragon
breath or suffer 3-18 points of damage from
loose boulders. Those standing 21 to 30 feet
away must make a similar save (with + 2 on
the die roll) or suffer 1-8 points of damage.

Captain of the guard (half-orc..Curate/Lord:
AC -1; MV 12”; hp 62;
#AT 3/2; D 3-10 (d8+2); AL LE
Equipment: plate mail +1, medium shield +2,
<long> sword +1: luck blade, mace of disruption,
<note that this LE character will take damage if he touches the mace of disruption!>
wand of magic missiles (15 charges)
THACO 10 (luck blade)
Saves 8 9 10 9 11
XP 3928

Captain's Guard (10 Swashbucklers):
AC 2; MV 6"; hp 41; #AT <2>; D 1-8 + 3; AL LE
Equipment: longsword, military fork
Those fighting from the battlement
against targets lower than them gain the
benefits of 25% cover (AC bonus +2).
<long sword: double specialization>
XP 521 each

Archers (20 Warriors): AC 7; MV 12";
hp 11; #AT 1 or 2; D 1-6; AL LE
Equipment: gladius, shortbow
<short bow specialization>
The archers gain the benefit of 90% cover
(AC bonus +10, save to no damage)
XP 138 each

The Aerie of
the Slave Lords
Beyond the secret mountain pass is the
hidden valley of the slave lords. Nestled in a
volcanic crater, the peaceful seeming valley
is dominated by a brilliant blue lake. There,
in the middle of the lake, is the isle of the
slave lords. Called the Aerie, it is accessible
only by the boats and raft ferries visible at <Boating, WSG>
the docks of the island. On the isle there
rises the ”extinct” volcanic peak, Mount Flamenblutt.
At its base is a small city,
Suderham--home of the fabled slave lords.
The city, while small, is surrounded by
impregnable walls.

If the PCs have blasted their
way through the gate to enter the valley, an
alarm will have been raised. Watching the
city, they see preparations for a major
armed expedition against them. Make it
clear to the PCs that there are
hundreds of men moving on the island
below! If the PCs propose a
reasonable plan to avoid capture (such as
hiding), the soldiery will not bother them.
However, the city guard will be doubled for
the remainder of the adventure (see the
Suderham Encounter tablei. <link>

If the PCs
have cleverly deceived those at
the gate, they will be able to arrange passage
at the lake shore below.

If the PCs entered through
the caverns that pass under the crater, the
secret passageway from room 9 leads under
the lake and comes out in a hill near the
slums of Suderham.

North of the walled city of Suderham,
between the city and its harbor area, is the
area known derisively to the locals as
"ScumSlum" Peasant field workers far the
farms, non-household slaves, and almost
everyone who is not a tradesman, a slaver,
or in the militia lives in shabby hovels clustered
along the harbor road. For a few
coins, 1 of the inhabitants of this AREA will
invite the PCs into their home,
beckoning them to move quickly, with darting
eyes searching for agents of the slave
lords. Copper is the expected coin for these
people, silver will bring a very friendly reaction,
and gold will raise eyebrows: "We
don't see much gold here, stranger."

The following info may be dispensed
to the players creatively. Preferably
it should be in the form of dialoguc, with the
players pressing for more information on
relevant matters. Try to avoid reading the
information out in a monologue. The
informant's name is Oric, and at 40 years of
age he looks like a man of 60; he is worn out
by the harsh life of being peasant farm
worker, and has already exceeded the average
life expectancy of his kind. Suspicious
and curmudgeonly at first, the prospect of
the money the PCs are offering
will gradually bring out his garrulous good
nature; his final suggestion about ambushing
slave buyers should provide the party
with a method of entry into Suderham.

Oric will discuss as much about the city
and its rulers as he knows, which is limited
to general knowledge about the city: its
quarters, the patrols, etc.

According to Oric, Suderham was once
only a small fortress, built as a place of last
defense by Olarek, self-styled king of the
Drachensgrab. He supposedly held a barony
in this AREA. When the humanoids conquered
the Pomarj, Olarek was 1 of the
petty and proud rulers who refused to see
the threat. His reward for such foresight
was swift and fitting--the humanoids swept
through his "kingdom" and his skull became
a banner which led their armies. Mysteriously,
only a few months after his defeat
and death, new workmen began to arrive in
Suderham---building the walls of the town
that now stands. In a very short time, considering
the scope of the project, a new city
stood where there had only been a citadel.
Then the slave lords arrived on the scene as
if all this had been prepared specifically
for them. The remaining subjects of King
Olarek fell under their rule--not fully
enslaved, but forbidden to leave the valley
under pain of death. The slave lords discovered
the maze of tunnels under the citadel
and crater rim where Olarek had disposed
of unfortunates not in his favor. They
quickly put these tunnels to the same USE.

Oric says that while petty crime is tolerated,
anything major is dealt with ruthlessly
&& with a surprising SPEED. "It's like they
know everything that's happening. They
can't be surprised, so nobody can hurt
them. There are some who say The Nine are
immortal--I don't know about that, but if
they can't be surprised or hurt, they're as
good as immortal."

Pressed further, Oric says there is a local
adage to plug up or block every hole in the
ground, to prevent the emergence of giant
monsters which live under the surface. He
says that the guards at the city gate carefully
check passes, and that some have been known
to TAKE bribes. This happens rarely, because if
caught the head of the bribed guard winds up
on a pike decorating the city wall as a motivational
tool for the rank and file.

Passes are given only to potential customers
for the thriving slave market. Slaves
who work inside the city && peasants who
have business within are met at the gate by
someone who resides within the city, and
are given special passes valid until sundown.
Oric tells you that there have been a
number of buyers of slaves through
recently; there is probably an auction
tomorrow. All buyers are carried in litters
from the docks to Suderham's gates; there
would be no reaction from the people of the
slum if some of these buyers were to meet
with an accident.

Slave Buyers' Caravan
As the long shadows caused by the surrounding
mountains begin to lengthen
into twilight, Oric points out what will
probably be the last caravan of slave
buyers for the day; the ferry operators
on the dock are closing down. There are
3 litters, each carried by 4 strong,
unarmored men with wicked-looking
scimitars in their belts.

The guard/bearers make an effort to
resist an attack, but if clearly outmatched
they make only a token effort and surrender
if given the chance.

There are 2 men and 1 woman inside
the veiled litters; when attacked they peer
out fearfully and try to escape in the confusion.
Slum inhabitants will prevent their
escape should the players be so careless as to
allow this. All of the slave buyers are carpulent
and well-fed, their soft, pale skin indicating
that years have passed since they
have done any real work. Once they learn
that you do not plan to kill them, their sniveling
fear begins to turn to arrogance: "You
fools! The slave lords know everything
their enemies do! You haven't a chance."

Among the belongings of the slave buyers
are found 100 GP and 300 SP (none in Suderham currency), a letter
of credit from a nearby fiefdom good only <where?>
for the purchase of slaves, and passes identifying
3 privileged guests and 12 bodyguards.
The loose, flowing clothes are large
enough to go over armor, though this disguise
won't stand up to a close inspection.
<incl. hat, robe, coat, gauntlets, stockings>
Oric suggests that hobniz && dwur are
rare enough here that any in the group had
better be inside the litters so as not to unduly
rouse the suspicions of the guards.

12 Guard/bearers (Vets): AC 10;
hp 10; D 1d8+3+2 by scimitar; +1 to hit
<18.01 STR should be +1, +3>
<scimitar specialists>
XP 48 each


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. - -


In Suderham, encounters are checked for
once each turn. An encounter occurs on a 1
in 6 chance (d6). If an encounter occurs, roll
percentage dice to determine who or what is

Suderham Encounters
Dice Roll Encounter (night)
01-05 Assassin
06-10 Bandits
11-25 Beggar
26-30 Cleric
31-45 Drunk
46-50 Ghoul/Ghast
51-70 Guard Patrol*
71-80 Harlot
81-82 Rakshasa
83-88 Slaver**
89-97 Thief
98-00 Wight

* Standard Suderham guard patrol;
described fully elsewhere. If the PCs
raised the alarm at the entry to the
valley, the size of all guard patrols will be

** 1-10 Slavers will be encountered. These
will frequently be wealthy, decadent boors
with no inclination for combat. They will be
interested in any business TALK: new sources
of slaves, etc.

All other encounters listed above may be
determined using the CityITown Encounters
Explanations section of the Dungeon
Masters Guide (pp. 191-194).

Notes on Suderham
As the players approach Suderham from
the north, they notice the city wall, the gate,
&& the corner towers are well maintained.
The stone wall is nearly 30 feet high, with 50
foot towers, and the heads && shoulders ov
armored soldiers can he seen above the battlements.
The roadway ends at the main city
gate. The outer doors are open, but the far
end of the gateway is barred by a massive
portcullis and flanked by 2 sentry posts.
Darkness is beginning to settle upon the city
as the party nears the gateway.

People: The majority of Suderham population
derives from 2 groups--the original
subjects of King Olarek and the laborers
brought in to prepare the slave lords'
stronghold. Neither group are strong supporters
of the slave lords, finding it far wiser
&& safer to say nothing and avoid trouble.
The remaining population is a wild mixture
of humanoids and exotic foreigners.

Buildings: All are 1 story tall unless
otherwise noted. Lighting is by oil lamps,
suspended from posts 12 to 14 feet high. The
posts are positioned on every street corner
and in the middle of each block, thus providing
overlapping areas of illumination.
Those businesses that are open have 2 oil
lamps in front of them. Thus, the business
district is well-lit, while other areas of the
city are somewhat darker.

Shops: Shops && places of business,
unless otherwise noted, are Now closed.
They are securely locked up && the proprietors
have retired into their private quarters
in the shops' back rooms. The streets are
largely deserted. Shopkeepers are treated as
normal humans and will often live with <Typical Inhabitants, DMG>
families &&/|or| apprentice laborers. They
can offer no aid to the party, and will not
answer knocks or calls for assistance by persons
in the streets. If molested in any way.
they 1st seek to AVOID combat |or| injury,
and notify the police patrols if they, their
dependents, or their property is abused.
None of the townspeople can he threatened
into any action, and even those who have
clues to relate know nothing more than that
which they tell. The only people who will
accept bribes are those especially noted.
Others will refuse the money, with fearful
glances over their shoulders.

Most people in the city, whether encountered
on the streets or in a tavern, will he
able to give directions to the shops, other
inns, and important buildings like the Arena
(3), but not to residences. If questioned concerning
the Treasury (32) or storage warehouses,
there is a 75% likelihood that they
will report the party to a guard patrol after <link>
they leave. Directions will be general, locating
the quarter of the city the building is in,
but nothing more specific. For example: "A
map shop? There's one over in the Official
Quarter, that's southwest, hut I'm not sure
where." Other quarters are the Military
(northwest), the Wealthy (northeast), and
the Thieves' Quarter (southeast).

Taverns: It should he noted that taverns
are, more often than not, frequented more
by 1 type of person (or class of character)
than others. In these taverns (and the guilds
as well, of course), the minority classes are
seen as inferior and will not receive a convivial
welcome. At the Fighting Man's
Haven, for example, a priest or wizard
that enters will probably sit alone or he held
up for ridicule by the fighters there. Violence
will probably he limited to brawling
or throwing the intruder out.

Moneychanger: Like most city-states,
Suderham mints its own money and insists
that it be used within the city. Anyone
attempting to purchase items with non-
Suderham money will he directed to the
Moneychanger (6). The city charges a 10%
tax on exchanged money, and the moneychanger
adds a tidy 5% profit for himself. If
anyone insists on using non-Suderham
money or tries to pass anything other than
the official money after their 1st warning,
guards will be called. Penalty for possession
of unofficial money after being warned is
confiscation of all money && possessions!

Guard Patrols: Guard patrols on the city
walls consist of 6 soldiers each. They
ceaselessly pace the great square formed by
the city walls. The positions of the patrols
are noted on the map, as is their direction of
movement. If a party or character attempts
to scale a section of the wall, the DM should <Climb, WSG>
note the relative position of the nearest
patrol moving toward that AREA. Patrols
move 60 feet per turn, and see up to 40 feet
with the torches they carry. All soldiers on
patrol carry whistles with which to sound
an alarm, and each tower contains 20
guardsmen and a 3d level sergeant (Swordsman).

Wall patrol (6 Vets): AC 5; hp 8
each; #AT 1: D broadsword 2-8, short
composite bow 1-6
<bow specialists>
XP 89 each (534 total)

Tower guardsmen (20 Vets): AC 5; hp 8
each: #AT 1; D 2-8 by broadsword,
<1-6 by short composite bow>
<bow specialists>
XP 89 each

Tower sergeant (Swordsman): AC 5; hp
18; #AT 1;
D 2-8, <broadsword>
bow 1-6, <short composite bow>
<bow specialist>
XP 222

Guard patrols in the streets consist of 10
militia police, 1 ov whom will act as a
spokesman for the group. Their movement
should be checked (as the wall patrols previously
described) whenever the party enters
a street currently under patrol.

Militia police (10 Vets): AC 4;
hp 6 each; #AT <3/2>; D broadswords 2-8 + 2
<broadsword specialists>
XP 40

Patrols always ask to see the passes of a
large band of characters (more than 4)
after dark. If not satisfied with the papers or
if the conduct of the characters is suspicious,
the patrol will seek to disarm them
and take them under arrest to the Slave
Cells (43). Patrol leaders can each be bribed
once to release a party for 200 gp, but will
on no account do anything further to aid the
party. If attacked, patrols blow their whistles,
alerting nearby patrols and allowing
warning to be given to the slave lords' citadel.
A company of 60 footsoldiers will be
dispatched in 2 turns to investigate and
quell any disturbance. The company will be
led by a Thaumaturgist && a Prefect.

Company of footsoldiers (60 Vets):
AC 4; hp 8; #AT <3/2>; D broadswords 2-8+2
<broadsword specialists>
XP 44

Key to Suderham
