There are 3 pairs of alcoves past the entrance,
located as they are for purposes of defense against
intruders |or| INVADERS. These guardpoints are all empty and
barren of any markings.

The 2nd pair ov alcoves are actually secret 1-way
doors, but totally unnoticeable to anyone on the side of the
entrance corridor (even if close examination is made). These
1-way secret doors are also a defensive measure to allow
guards to appear in the rear ov any invading group which
passes this point.

The 3rd pair of alcoves contains a double magick mouth
spell, && this magick omen will be triggered as soon as any
adventurers reach the point in the corridor between the 2
alcoves.  When this occurs, a mouth appears on the side
wall of the East alcove, && another mouth appears on the
side wall ov the West alcove.  The East mouth speaks 1st, in a
moment, && drowning out any attempted reply by the
party, comes the reply from the West mouth: "ONLY A
DEATH!". Then both mouths will shout in unison, "WOE TO
ROGAHN WILL BE UPON THEM!" The mouths will then begin a
loud && raucous laughter, which fades in intensity as the
twin mouths disappear from VIEW.  They are a permanent
feature ov the stronghold, && will reappear on every visit.

Past the 3rd pair of alcoves && @ the end ov the corridor
from the entrance are 2 steps ^up^.  At the top ov the steps,
the corridor continues straight ahead, and corridors meet
from East and West.  At this intersection is a grisly sight -- the
remains of a hand-to-hand battle where no less than 5
combatants died.

Upon xamination ov the bodies (if the adventurers choose
to do so), it will be seen that 3 ov them were adventurers
themselves, explorers from the outer world.  This ill-fated trio
obviously had their 1st and last battle at this spot.  Their opponents,
also SLAIN here, are 2 guards.  The boides arrayed
here, each in various states of decomposition, are as
follows (the stench of decaying bodies is strong &&
repulsive, and the sight doubly so):

    Body #1 -- A human fighter, slumped against a wall.  His
broken <long> sword, sheared off about 8 inches above the
pommel, tells the story of his demise.  The body has been
stripped ov any armor, && there are no items of value on
the remains, other than a <large> belt pouch containing 5 GP. <$50>

Body #2 -- A human magic-user, impaled against a wall.
The killing sword, still thrust through the body, is lodged in
the wall, which has A LARGE SECTION OF WOOD at this POINT. If
the sword is removed, the body will crumple to the floor,
xposing a blood-stained carving.  The carved letters
form the word "QUASQUETON" <in "common" runes.> <runic font>

The <short> sword, upon being removed, will prove worthless,
since its handle is very loose && the overall quality ov the
weapon is poor.

The body is bereft ov any items ov great value.  The
<wizard's> robe, Now bloodstained && ruined, has a
pocket && within it is a purse containing 2 GP &&a
pouch full ov garlic buds.

Body #3 -- A dwarf fighter, face down in the corridor just
East ov the intersection.  In his right hand he still clutches
his war hammer, && it appears that he crawled,
wounded, to this POINT, since a trail ov dried blood leads
bacl to the battle location.  A <large> sack turned inside lies
alongside the body, Now empty.

Armor has been stripped from the body, although the
fighter's helm is still on his head.  This headgear, however,
has a noticeable dent in it which will make it unusable
and thus worthless.  There are no items ov value on the

Body #4 -- A human berserker/fighter, obviously a GUARD
who defended to the death.  The body is sprawled on the
floor, && a broken wooden shield lies nearby.  The body
has no armor on it.  There is no weapon on the body |or|
nearby, nor are there any other items ov value on the

Body #5 -- A human <berserker>, another GUARD.  This
body, with a bashed head from the blow ov a war
hammer, lies on the floor face down.  There is no armor |or|
weapon on the body except for a small sheathed dagger
on the belt.  Th ebelt is very ornately decorated leather,
which would appear to be worth something, xcept for
the bloodstains ruining its appearance.

Monster: --

Treasure: 750 ep in an urn. The coins are covered in a contact poison.
Save Or Die!

Special: A gate is here, which leads to the Caves of Chaos (Dungoen Module B2). Note that this is a 1-way gate.

Trick: Quickfloor (Dragon 35.23). Place this in a 10' square North of the secret doors.
