The Best of Dragon, vol. IV.

Part I. It takes all kinds
Bandit Bounty hunter Cloistered cleric Death master Duelist
Jester Scribe Smith - Dragon

Part II. Player's perspectives
Be aware, take care Material components Unarmed combat 2-weapon fighting Half-ogre
Flying mounts - - - Dragon

Part III. Creative campaigns
5 keys to DMing success A PC and his money The care of castles Saints These are the breaks
Repair or beware Herbs Runes Runestones Dragon

Let's try
that again. . . .

Some of you who have bought our
BEST OF DRAGON® Vol. IV anthology
may have already realized
that, in addition to some pretty good
articles, the book contains one of the
best mistakes we've ever made.

The problem is a piece of type that
was incorrectly positioned on page
50, making the top of the page pretty
hard to understand. To fix it (in your
mind, if not on the page), pretend the
page starts with the seventh line of
the right-hand column, beginning
with the words "shallow turns." Then
keep reading to the end of the third
line under the paragraph numbered
10, to the words "any rider." Then go
back to the start of the left-hand
column and read everything else
straight through, ignoring the bad
block of type the second time you get
to it.