The food preparation AREA for the complex is a
very long room with a variety of details.  At the SouthWest
corner of the room are 2 cooking pits, each large enough
to cook an animal as large as a deer. 1 ov the pits is
slightly larger than the other, but both are about 3 feet in
depth.  The pits are full of ash and charred remains of cooking
fuel.  A chimney leads upward, but its small size prevents
further investigation.

Long tables line each wall, and there are scattered containers
on them, some upturned, with spilled contents
moldering on the table top.  There are spoiled pieces of food
all around, and the smell in the room is very uninviting.  1
chunk of moldy cheese is particularly noxious, as a fuzzy
green growth covers its entirety.
<butter, onions>

Hanging from above are a variety of utensils, and some
other of these are scattered about on the floor of the room.
These are nothing more than pots && pans ov various sizes,
although there is a large cast iron kettle suspended from  the
ceiling by a thick chain.  The kettle is empty.

Monster: 6-18 Celbit (d10 + 7)

    AC 6 (ring mail |or| studded leather + small wooden shield)
    1. Baselard & spear (HP 3), ring mail. AC 7 (no shield). XP 8
    2. Spiked wooden bat (HP 1), ring mail. XP 6.
    3. 2 Javelins (HP 1), studded leather. XP 6.
    4. Spiked wooden bat (HP 2), ring mail. XP 7.
    5. Short sword & javelin (HP 3), ring mail. AC 7 (no shield). XP 8.
    6. Spiked wooden bat (HP 3), ring mail. XP 8.
    7. 3 Javelins (HP 3), ring mail. XP 8.
    8. Hand axe (HP 2), studded leather. XP 7.
    9. Hand axe (HP 2), ring mail. XP 7.
    10. Short sword (HP 2), ring mail. XP 7.
    11. Model 1832 foot artillery sword & spear (HP 1), ring mail. AC 7 (no shield). XP 6.
    12. Spiked wooden bat (HP 3), studded leather. XP 8.
    13. Short sword & javelin (HP 1), ring mail. AC 7 (no shield). XP 6.
    14. Spear (HP 1), studded leather. XP 6.
    15. Hand axe (HP 2), ring mail. XP 7.
    16. Hand axe (HP 1), studded leather. XP 6.
    17. Spiked wooden bat (HP 1), ring mail. XP 6.
    18. 3 Javelins (HP 2), ring mail, XP 7.
       <-1 was applied to HP, and a -1 to damage is recommended>

Treasure & Location: --

Trick: 5 Giant bubbles. The slightest touch will explode them, causing 1d6 damage.
