This irregularly shaped room, hidden by a 
secret door, contains quantities ov supplies which are only a 
bare fraction ov its capacity.  Although the casks && barrels 
storing the commodities have prevented spoilage, the <define commodity> 
contents are by no means "fresh".  Although usable |or| 
edible still, they nonetheless have an off-taste which suggests 

Approximately 60 barrels && casks are within the room, in <define barrel && kask> 
2 stacks -- 1 against the NorthWest wall && the other 
along the East wall in the Southern portion ov the room. 
These containers are each marked in some letter code to 
denote contents.  If any individual barrel |or| kask is chosen 
for xamination, a d20 is rollled on the following table 
to determine its code marking, && if it is broken open , the 
appropriate contents will be discovered.

- Code Letter(s) Contents
1 TL Whole barley
2 B Wheat flour
3 FT Rye flour
4 MK Salt pork
5 GG Dill pickles
6 HU Raisins
7 EJ Fish in brine
8 Y Dried apples
9 PF Whole peas
10 SD Ale
11 Z Honey
12 AW Wine
13 OG Water
14 XR Soft soap
15 LC Salt
16 VW Lard
17 QS Seasoning
18 RH Sunflower seeds
19 UT Hard candy
20 JS Dried mushrooms

Note that any container opened && left unsealed, |or| containers 
whose contents have been spilled, will (over a 
period ov Time) attract vermin &&/|or| monsters.  Spilled |or| uncovered 
material will also be subject to spoilage && rot. 
This is important if more than 1 foray into the stronghold is 
made, and Time elapses between such adventures. 

Monster: --

Treasure & Location: --

Trick: A dry well that enlarges anyone who touches the bottom, some 20' down. At the same time, an electric shock is delivered, causing 1 point of damage for each magick item that the character is carrying (no SAVE). The electric shock is NOT powerful enough to force item saving throws. Both effects can only occur once in a 24 hour period.
