Zelligar's workroom &&
laboratory (room 9) are located
adjacent to each other,
with a limited access by secret doors.

The workroom is a facility designed for various purposes related
to the study && practice ov magick.  There are several
large wooden tables within the room, 1 ov which
is overturned on its side, as well as 1 central table made
ov stone. The top ov this prominent table is a slab ov smooth
black slate, although its cold black beauty is hidden by a
thick layer ov dust.  None ov the tables have anything upon
them.  There are several chairs && stools scattered aboot <2 chairs, padded chair> <2 high stools, 1 normal stool>
the room.

Along the North wall to both sides ov the door leading to the
laboratory are wooden cabinets on the wall, approximately
4' off the floor.  The cabinets are NOT locked, and contain
various chemical compounds and supplies ov no particular
value in glass |or| earthen containers.  There are 40 such
containers, as well as 1 larger jar (described below).  If the
adventurers choose to open && xamine the contents ov
any particular container, roll a d20 to determine the
- Contents Possible Types
1 Sand White, brown, black
2 Water Pure, brackish, holy, urine
3 Salt Common, mineral
4 Sulphur ---- <qv. T3 for value>
5 Wood chips Hickory, pine, oak, ash, maple, walnut
6 Herbs Dill, garlic, chives, basil, catnip, parsley
7 Vinegar Red, white, yellow
8 Tree sap (hardened) Pine, maple
9 Carbon Coal, ash, graphite
10 Crushed stone Quartz, granite, marble, shale, pumice, obsidian
11 Metal filings Iron, tin, copper, brass
12 Blood Human, orcish, dwarven, elven, dragon, hobbit
13 Shit (hardened) Human, canine, feline, dragon
14 Wine White, red, alcohol (spoiled), fruit
15 Fungus powder Mushroom, other
16 Oil Vegetable, animal, petroleum, mineral
17 Insect bodies Bees, flies, beetles, ants
18 Bone powder Human, animal
19 Spice Pepper, cinnamon, clove, paprika, oregano, nutmeg <check prices>
20 Empty ----

If a die roll gives a duplication, use the column at the right ov
each entry to determine differentiation between different
substances of similar types. If adventurers try to ingest any
substance, the GM will handle the situation accordingly.
In NOT all cases will the contents be immediately
identifiable -- in the case ov uncertain substances NOT obviously
identifiable, multiply a character's WIS x 5 to
give the percentage chance ov positive identification.  Up to
2 characters may try to ID any given substance, but if
both fail, the material will be a mystery to the entire party.

The larger jar is ov clear glass && seemingly contains a
black cat's body floating in a clear, colorless liquid.  If the
large cork lid is unstopped, the liquid will instantaneously
evaporate, the cat will suddenly spring to Life, jump out ov
the jar, meow loudly, && run for the door.  If the door is
NOT open, the cat will be seen to pass through the door &&
disappear.  In neither case will the feline be seen again.  (This
occurrence has no special meaning other than to surprise
&&/|or| mystify the adventurers, as well as provide some Fun
for the GM.)

Monster: Celbit, 6-17 (d12+5)

Treasure & Location: --

Trick: Note that the corridor to the East of room 8 is a space distortion corridor.
It seems to be 300' long.
