The wizard's lab is a STRANGE 
but fascinating place. Zelligar's xperimentation with many 
kinds ov magick led to a collection ov equipment && devices 
which was stored Here, scattered about this 50' by 30' room. 

Dominating the room is a large human skeleton suspended 
from the ceiling && hanging in the NorthEast corner of the 
lab.  The skull is cracked.  (Were there any way to 
know, it would be discovered to be a barbarian chieftan's 
remains . . . )

Aboot the room are several large wooden tables. Just as 
found in the workroom (room 8), && another heavy stone 
which is likewise similar to the one appearing next 
door.  The tables are bare, xcept for a single stoppered 
smoked glass bottle on 1 ov them.  If the cork is removed, 
the gas within will immediately issue forth with a whoosh.  The 
vapors are pungent && fast-acting, && all characters 
within 10' must make an immediate SAVE vs. poison |or|
be affected by laughing gas.  The gas itself is NOT poisonous, 
but will cause any characters failing their SAVE to immediately 
lapse into uncontrollable raucous laughter for 1-6 
<rounds> (check each individually).  During this Time, the 
characters will have a 50% chance ov dropping anything 
they are holding |or| carrying && will rock with spasms ov 
great laughter, staggering about the room, chuckling && 
bellowing with great glee.  The noise will necessitate a 
special additional check for wandering monsters being attracted 
to the ruckus, && even if a monster appears, the affected 
characters will be unable to oppose it until the gas 
effects wear off (if a monster does come, roll a d4 to 
see how many melee turns it appears after the laughing 
starts).  Characters under the influence ov the gas will NOT 
respond to any efforts by others to snap them out of its 
effects (even slapping the face will do no more than cause 
more laughing), although if a dispel magick spell is thrown, it 
will make them sober immediately.  Otherwise, the only way 
to stop the laughter is to WAIT for the effects to wear off. 

Several pine logs are piled underneath 1 of the tables, 
&& if these are moved, a shiny "gold" ring will be found. Although 
it appears birlliant && seems to be worth up to 100 GP, 
it is actually worthless.  It has no special magickal 

Along the West wall is a large wooden rack, apparently from 
some kind of torture chamber, since it is obviously sized for 
human bodies. A trickle of dried blood stains the oaken 
construction on the front. 

On the South wall is a stretched leadther skin with magickal 
writings which will be undecipherable unless a read magick 
spell is CAST.  The lejend, if interpreted, will read:  "What 
mysterious happenings have their birth here?  Only the greatest 
feats of wizardry, for which every element ov earth, water 
&& sky is but a tool!"  The skin is old && xtremely FRAGILE, 
&& any attempts to remove it will cause irreparable harm 
&& render it useless because ov the skin crumbling away. 

A sunken fire pit, blackened && cold, is noticeable as the 
centerpiece ov the room.  The pit is only 2' deep, although it 
appears slightly less than that due several inches o fashes 
resting within it.  An iron bracing && bar across the 4' wide 
opening suspend a cast iron pot which is empty xcept for
harmless brown residue
sticking to its interior sides && 
bottom. Another similar pot which is more shallow lies on the 
floor alongside the pit, && it is empty.  Both pots are xtremely 
heavy,  && it takes great effort by 2 |or| more 
characters ov 14+ STR to even MOVE them. 

Off in the SouthWest corner are 2 vats, each ov approximately 
100 gallon cap.. Both are made ov wood && 
both are empty. A 3rd vat nearby, only 1/2 the size ov its 
neighbors, if 1/2 filled with murky, muddy water. 

A stone block used as a table |or| stand is next to the vats, 
&& along the West wall.  It has 6 earthen containers just like 
those found in the workroom (room 8), && any contents 
within them should be determined in the same manner as 
described there.  There are also pieces of glassware ov 
various types on the top ov the stand, as well as on the floor 
next to it.  Some are clean, some shew residues, but all are 
empty && dusty. 

An empty wooden coffin, quite plain && utilitarian, rests upright 
in the NorthWest corner.  It opens easily && is empty. 
The wood seems to be rotting in places. 

2 kegs REST against the North wall, && xamination will 
shew them to be similar to those found in the storeoom 
(room 10).  Each has a letter code to denote its contents, && 
a roll should be made in the same manner as described 
there to determine what is within if they are opened. 

Wooden shelving on the North wall holds more glassware 
&& 3 more containers (as those in room 8 and likewise 
determined). 2 small trays hold powdered incense ov <worth?>
different colors, && the smell ov their aroma will give away 
their identity.

Monster: Bowlers, 1-3
Monster: Goblins, d10 + 5

Treasure & Location: --

Trick: 2-way gate to the Pedestal Room (35.23)
