Scientific name: Allium sativum

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Wounds && Weeds - - - Dragon

Appearance: Garlic has long, hollow
leaves, dark green in color, on top of which
appear large, spherical clusters of tiny white
flowers. The entire plant has a very strong
smell, which becomes doubly apparent if
the leaves are crushed. Garlic is so well
known and so easily identified by its distinctive
smell that characters will always locate
and identify it correctly if they search for it
in an area containing suitable terrain.

Location: Other than in its garden habitat,
garlic often grows on damp grounds, in
meadows, and in sparse forests. The cluster
of flowers appears in early to mid-summer.

Uses: Crushed garlic cloves, or diluted
garlic juice, makes a strong antiseptic -- so
potent that garlic was used, along with
sphagnum moss (see below), in field hospitals
during World War I when other supplies
ran short. Garlic also eases bites and
stings from venomous creatures, and it can
act as an insect repellent.

Game effect: The antiseptic properties of
garlic are such that a wound will heal more
rapidly, and without chance of infection.
Wounded characters will recover 2 HP per day for the first three days after
application. If garlic is used as an insect
repellent, the juice must be rubbed generously
over exposed body parts. This repellent
has a 50% chance of working against
attacking insects, giant or otherwise. If used
to ease bites and stings, garlic juice can be
used one time per injury to restore 1 hit
point that was lost from either the bite/sting
or the poisonous effect of that attack.

Precautions: Garlic has a bad reputation
among herbal healers. Some claim it is a
dangerous plant with many supernatural
properties. However, in AD&D lore it is
really only directly harmful to vampires.
But if garlic is used for any remedy, especially
as an insect repellent, the strong odor
may give away the presence of the character
using it and increase the chance of attracting
wandering monsters.