Dragon 133
Ecology: Carnivorous Ape BB: Magical quivers & unusual arrows Perception (Ability score) Roman Mythos Boosting the shukenja's powers against spirits
Run a wargames convention right -- the first time Surprise Berserker DB: Giant worms Dragon

Flaming arrow
Spiral arrow - 1 gp
Blunt-headed arrow - 1 sp
Barbed arrow - 1 ep
Arrow of sleep - variable, usu. 50 gp & up
Broad-headed arrow - 1 ep
Wooden arrow - 5 cp

Frief's Magical Quiver (1,100 - 4,500) (133.10)
Quiver of Arrow Storing (1000 - 4000) (133.10)
Flaming Arrow (133.11)
Spiral Arrow (1 gp) (133.11)
Blunt-headed Arrow (1 sp) (133.11)
Barbed Arrow (1 ep) (133.11)
Arrow of Sleep (variable, usually 50 gp and up) (133.11)
Broad-headed Arrow (1 ep) (133.11)
Wooden Arrow (5 cp) (133.11)
Corded Arrow (6 gp, with 120' cord) (133.11)
Grappling Arrow (10 gp, with 120' cord) (133.11)

Perception (133.12)

Aeneas (hero) (F14, M3, B4) (133.28)
Cybele (goddess of the earth) ("Great Mother") (Greater goddess) (133.29)
Divis Imperator (deified emperor) (Demigod) (133.29)
    Augustus (The Empire and the emperors; by extension, any Roman-style ruler or government)
    Caligula (Insanity, evil, poisoners, and murderers)
    Claudius (Sages, history and historians, and cuckolded husbands)
    Vespasian (Generals, armies, and military matters)
    Antonius Pius (Peace, good order, and beneficient rulers)
    Hadrian (Travelers)
Eris (goddess of discord) (Greater goddess) (133.30)
Janus (guardian of gates) (Lesser god) (133.31)
Mithras (patron of soldiers) (Greater god) (133.31)
Saturn (greater titan, patron of agriculture) (133.32)
Serapis (god of the underworld, fertility, and healing) (Greater god) (133.32)
Vesta (guardian of women, the home, and domestic concerns) (Greater goddess) (133.33)
Jupiter = Zeus
Venus = Aphrodite
Apollo = Apollo
Mars = Ares
Diana = Artemis
Minerva = Athena
Ceres = Demeter
Bacchus = Dionysus
Pluto = Hades
Hecate = Hecate
Vulcan = Hephaestus
Juno = Hera
Hercules = Heracles
Mercury = Hermes
Victoria = Nike
Faunus = Pan
Neptune = Poseidon
Fortuna = Tyche
Berserker (133.76)
Bristle Worms (Polychates) (133.82)
    Nereis (133.83)
    Diopatra (133.83)
    Vanadis (133.84)
    Eurythoe (133.85)
    Glycera (133.85)
    Sabella (133.85)
    Terebella (133.85)
    Pectinaria (133.86)

Artist Alexandre Cabanel
Year 1863
Type Oil on canvas
Dimensions 130 cm × 225 cm (51 in × 89 in)
Location Musée d'Orsay, Paris


Originally Posted by gideon_thorne
*chuckles* Me too! They blend much nicer with water..

But thats probably not what your talking about. 



I've used the Venus line to "paint with pencils"!
My aunt was a high school art teacher, my pal Tom Keogh won a proze from the Audabon society for an airbrish drawing of a bird and I can draw water as well as anyone
