Wards Against Evil:
Boosting the shukenja’s power against spirits
by Parker Torrence

In his article, "Oriental Opens New Vistas"
-- (DRAGON® issue #104), David "Zeb"
Cook informs us that "dealing with spirits
is the shukenja's equivalent of the cleric?s
turning undead." So how does a shukenja
deal with spirits? From OA
(page 23), we know that a shukenja
is trained to perform the basic ritual of purifying, to ward off evil spirits:
shukenja can sanctify an area with a radius
of 5 feet (75 square feet). At the end of
the ritual, everyone within the area gains
a +1 bonus on all rolls to hit and saving
throws when fighting evil spirits."

Well, a +1 bonus is nice, but it is not the
equivalent of turning undead. This article?s
suggestion is to improve the shukenja?s
warding away of evil spirits by adding the
additional power to turn undead as used
by clerics [which does not occur in Oriental
literature, as David Cook has pointed <>
out]. To achieve this, the rules covering the
turning of undead in the DMG (page 65)

the ritual, everyone within the area gains  must be followed, and the <correct this text>

Matrix for Shukenjas Affecting Evil Spirits
                            Level of shukenja attempting to ward class
9-13  14+
10  D*  D*  D*
II  13  10  D*  D*
III  16  13  10  D*
IV  19  16  13  D*
20  19  16  10  D
VI  — 20  19  13  10  D
VII  — — 20  16  13  10  D
VIII  — — — 20  16  13  10  T
IX  — — — — 20  16  13  10  T
—  —  —  —  —  20  16  13  10  4
XI  — — — — — — 20  16  13  7
XII  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  20  16  10
Special** —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  19  13

Roll 1d20; if the number rolled matches or is greater than the number on the
matrix, the spirits have been warded off. From 1-12 spirits are affected.
* This affects 7-12 spirits.
* * This affects 1-2 spirits.

Oriental Evil Spirits by Class
Lesser nature spirit (2 HD)
II  Einsaung nat
Lesser nature spirit (3 HD)
Kuei (3 HD)
Lesser nature spirit (4 HD)
IV  Hkum yeng nat
Kuei (4 HD)
Lesser nature spirit (5 HD)
Kuei (5 HD)
Lesser nature spirit (6 HD)
VI  Con-tinh
Hu hsien
Kuei (6 HD)
Lesser nature spirit (7 HD)
VII Bajang Common oni
Greater nature spirit (8 HD)
VIII  Greater nature spirit (9 HD)
Lu nat
IX  <****>
Greater nature spirit (10 HD)
XI  Greater nature spirit (11 HD)
Me-zu oni
XII  Go-zu oni
Greater nature spirit (12 HD)
Special  This group covers greater
nature spirits with 12 +4 HD or
more, and all greater spirits.

Matrix for Shukenjas Affecting Evil Spirits
(given here) must be used when an area is
purified by a shukenja.
When a spirit has been turned or warded
off, it cannot enter the shukenja's purified
area, although it can still fire missiles
and magical spells into that area. If the
symbol "D" appears on the matrix, the
spirit flees the area in terror for a number
of rounds equal to the shukenja?s level. If
the spirit returns later, it need not flee
again but cannot enter the sanctified area.
A character possessed by an evil spirit
fights inside a purified area with a -1 on
all rolls to hit and on saving throws. If the
type of spirit causing the possession is
turned or warded off, the possessed character
grows ill and tries to leave the purified
area; any attacks or saving throws
made then are at -2. If the spirit received
a "D" result, the possessed character tries
for two rounds to flee the purified area; if
he cannot, he falls and goes into a coma
for a number of rounds equal to the level
of the shukenja who purified the area
(after which time the possessing spirit
returns). If the spirit causing the possession
stays within the purified area, the
spirit makes a saving throw vs. spells. If
the save is made, the spirit remains within
the area but fights with a -1 to hit.
Classes - - Dragon 133 Dragon