by Christopher Wood
- - - - -
Dragon Classes - Paladins Dragon 106

HIT DICE: d8+1 (max: 9)
ARMOR PERMITTED: any, any shield
WEAPONS PERMITTED: any, oil = yes, poison = yes
ABILITY SCORES: S: 10/18(00), I: 9/18, W: 13/pr, D: 9/18, CO: 10/18, CH: 6/15
WEAPON PROFICIENCIES: 2, -3, 1/2 levels
ATTACKS PER MELEE ROUND: 1/1(1-7), 3/2(8-14), 2(15+)

The neutral evil arrikhan, whose name in the Creation Argots
means ?beastservant,? acts as an opposite to the myrikhan. The
arrikhan serves his god in the field, carrying out the orders of the
high priests of the church. Like a myrikhan, an arrikhan almost
always travels alone. An arrikhan lives to promote the evil ways of
his god. Should he ever commit a good deed, he will find himself
unquestioningly excommunicated. If the church allows him to live
(which is not likely), he becomes forevermore a normal fighter.
Arrikhans favor light armor because of its low encumbrance, often
using exotic hides or breastplated furs for their protection. Their
weapons tend to do the maximum amount of physical destruction
(morning stars predominate).

Wisdom is the prime requisite of an arrikhan. A score of 14 adds
5% to earned experience, a score of 15 adds 10%, a score of 16 adds
15%, a score of 17 adds 20%, and a score of 18 or greater adds
25%. Arrikhans receive spell bonuses and chances of spell failure
according to their wisdom scores as clerics do (see  Players Handbook,  p. 11, Wisdom Table II: Adjustments for Clerics).

Arrikhans can use any magic items except those usable only by
magic-users or illusionists. An arrikhan with sufficient funds can
build a stronghold at any time. Thereafter, he has a cumulative 5%
chance per month beginning with the completion of the stronghold
of attracting followers. Arrikhan Table III shows the type of followers attracted.
The special abilities of an arrikhan are:

1. Saving throws against good magic at +1 for each two levels
( +1 at 1st and 2nd level, +2 at 3rd and 4th level, etc.). Good magic
includes any spells cast by good NPCs or monsters and any effects of
magic items that are intrinsically good or that are used by good

2. At 3rd level and above, affecting undead as a cleric of two
levels below the level of the arrikhan (1st-level ability at 3rd level,
2nd-level ability at 4th level, etc.). The arrikhan can turn the un

dead or ally them with himself as desired. The ability has no effect
on devils, demons, or other extraplanar creatures ? it only affects

3. Hit and damage bonuses of +1 per level when fighting against
good opponents. The arrikhan must be aware of the good alignment
for these bonuses to apply.

4. A 10% chance per level to identify plants and animals, automatic at 10th level and above.

5. At 5th level and above, the ability to call for a warhorse that
magically appears near the arrikhan. The mount has a 5% chance
per level of the arrikhan of being a nightmare of maximum hit
points; otherwise, it is a normal heavy warhorse, AC 5, HD 5 + 5,
NE. The mount will serve faithfully unto death, but only two such
horses can be called in the arrikhan?s lifetime.

6. The ability to torture helpless victims. This torture requires
special instruments (restraints, hot irons, salt and other caustic
chemicals and irritants, etc.). The creature being tortured must
make a saving throw against its constitution score (rolling its constitution or less on a 3d6 roll) during each turn of torture; otherwise, it
will reveal any information that the arrikhan wishes to know. Torture damage accrues at 1-4 points per round. Player characters
cannot be tortured for information in this manner, but may be

7. Spell use at 7th level and above. Arrikhan Table II shows the
number and level of such spells. Halflings of the arrikhan class,
unable to learn cleric spells, cannot advance past 6th level; dwarves
of the arrikhan class, unable to learn druid spells, cannot advance
past 10th level.

8. Detection of good in a radius of 50? + 5? per level, revealing
only the general direction of the good source and requiring unbroken concentration.

9. The use of certain thief functions at a level of ability equal to
half the level of the arrikhan (1st-level ability at 1st and 2nd level,
2nd-level ability at 3rd and 4th level, etc.). The functions include
find/remove traps, move silently,  and  hide in shadows.  Racial bonuses do not apply.

10. A 15% chance per level to identify pure water or nonpoisonous wild foods, automatic at 7th level and above.

11. The ability to concoct ingestive poisons and their antidotes
from natural herbs and roots. Arrikhan Table IV shows the possible
poisons and antidotes and their concoction times. This ability assumes the availability of proper herbs and roots.

The strictures of an arrikhan are:
1. Referring to his god only by his titles or as ?arriman? (?beastlord?), except when the god?s name must be used (rituals, ceremonies, proselytization, etc.). The oinodaemon is the usual deity worshipped.

2. Forbidden accumulation of wealth or treasure. All plunder
must go to the church, which might or might not award part of that
plunder to the arrikhan as a reward for his deeds.

Arrikhan Table I
Hit points Level title
0 -- 2,500 1 d8+1 Beasteye
2,501 -- 5,500 2 2d8+2 Beastarm
5,501 -- 11,500 3 3d8+3 Beastheart
11,501 -- 24,000 4 4d8+4 Arrikhan
24,001 -- 58,000 5 5d8+5 Arrikhan
58,001 -- 125,000 6 6d8+6 Arrikhan
125,001 -- 215,000 7 7d8+7 Arrikhan
215,001 -- 325,000 8 8d8+8 Arrikhan
325,001 -- 650,000 9 9d8+9 Arrikhan
650,001 -- 975,000 10 9d8+12 Arrikhan
975,001 -- 1,300,000 11 9d8+15 Arrikhan

Arrikhans gain one level per 325,000 experience points above 8th
Arrikhans gain 3 hit points per level above 9th level.

Arrikhan Table II: Spells usable by experience level
                            Cleric spell level    Druid spell level
1 2 3 1 2 3
7 1 - - - - -
8 2 - - - - -
9 2 1 - - - -
10 2 2 1 - - -
11 2 2 2 1 - -
12 3 2 2 1 - -
13 4 3 2 1 1 -
14 4 4 3 2 1 -
15 5 4 3 2 1 1
16 6 5 4 2 2 1
17 6 6 5 3 2 1
18 6 6 6 3 2 2
19 6 6 6 3 3 2
20 6 6 6 3 3 2
21* 6 6 6 3 3 3

* -- Maximum spell-casting ability

Arrikhans acquire and cast cleric spells and druid spells in the
same way that clerics and druids do, by meditation and prayer.
Arrikhans can cast all cleric spells, and can use the same druid spells
that are available to myrikhans (see above).

Arrikhan Table III: Followers
Dice roll Type of follower
01-08 1-10 thieves of 1st level
09-15 1-8 thieves of 1st-2nd level
16-21 1-6 thieves of 1st-4th level
22-26 1-4 thieves of 2nd-5th level
27-30 1-2 thieves of 3rd-6th level
31-33 1 thief of 4th-7th level
34-37 1-4 assassins of 1st-2nd level
38-40 1 assassin of 3rd-6th level
41-44 1-2 magic-users of 1st level
45-46 1 illusionist of 1st level
47-48 1-2 clerics of 1st level
49-56 4-40 0-level men-at-arms of 1-6 hp each
57-63 1-10 fighters of 1st level
64-69 1-8 fighters of 1st-4th level
70-74 1-6 fighters of 2nd-5th level
75-78 1-4 fighters of 3rd-6th level
79-81 1-2 fighters of 4th-7th level
82-83 1 death dog
84-85 1 ettercap plus spiders (see subtable below)
86-87 1 forlarren
88-90 20-200 grimlocks plus females and young
91-92 1-4 fomorian giants
93-94 1 night hag
95-96 1-6 wyverns
97-98 1-4 NPCs of any neutral evil-aligned class or subclass
99 special* (see subtable below)
00 DM's choice

Spider subtable
Dice roll Type of spider
01-18 10-40 tarantulas*
19-36 2-40 trap-door spiders*
37-54 2-8 wolf spiders**
55-72 2-12 lynx spiders**
73-90 1-6 giant black widow spiders***
91-93 1-8 giant spiders**
94-96 1-12 huge spiders**
97-99 2-20 large spiders*
00 1-4 phase spiders***

Roll on this subtable once for each 10 hp of the ettercap (1 roll for
5-10 hp, 2 rolls for 11-20 hp, etc.). Asterisks indicate the relative
toxicity of the spider?s poison ? one asterisk representing mild
poison, three representing fatally strong poison.

Special follower table
Die roll Type of follower
1 1 fog giant
2 1 mezzodaemon
3 1 nycadaemon
4-5 1 skeleton warrior plus 10-29 skeletons
6 1 lich

Beginning with the completion of a stronghold, an arrikhan has a
cumulative 5% chance per month of attracting followers. When a
follower is indicated, the DM rolls to determine the type of follower
and, if necessary, the race of the follower.
Followers can never have levels or hit dice greater than the level of
the arrikhan. If such followers are rolled, disregard them. All followers of an arrikhan are neutral evil.

Arrikhan Table IV: Poisons and antidotes
                        Poison/antidote type
Venom Bane Toxin
1 5% - -
2 10 - -
3 15 3 -
4 20 6 -
5 25 9 2
6 30 12 4
7 35 15 6
8 40 18 8
9 45 21 10
10 50 24 12
11 55 27 14
12 60 30 16
13 70 35 18
14 80 40 20
15 90 45 22
16* 100 50 25

*? Maximum poison concoction ability.
Concoction times: Venom, 5-40 rounds; Bane, 10-100 rounds;
Toxin: 2-5 hours.

Percentages on the table above indicate an arrikhan's chance to
concoct one dose of a venom, bane, or toxin at a certain level. The
success or failure of the concoction remains unknown until the concoction time has fully elapsed. Venoms deliver 1-4 points of damage
per round to a maximum of 4-24 points, unless the victim makes a
normal saving throw vs. poison. Banes deliver 1-10 points of damage per round to a maximum of 10-60 points unless the victim
makes a saving throw at -2. Toxins cause death in 1-4 segments
unless the victim makes a saving throw at -5. Antidotes of the
proper type take effect in 1-4 segments. Antidotes neutralize only the
same type of poison  (e.g.,  a venom antidote will neutralize venom
but not bane or toxin).