by Christopher Wood
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Dragon Classes - Paladins Dragon 106

HIT DICE: d10 (max: 11)
ARMOR PERMITTED: any, any shield
WEAPONS PERMITTED: any, oil = yes, poison = yes
ABILITY SCORES: S: 9/18(00), I: 13/pr, W: 12/pr, D: 9/18, CO: 10/18, CH: 7/18
WEAPON PROFICIENCIES: 3, -2, 1/2 levels
ATTACKS PER MELEE ROUND: 1/1(1-6), 3/2(7-12), 2/1(13+)

The lawful evil illrigger creates for his god a framework of evil on
which to operate and subdue key proponents of good. He has crisply
efficient assassination skills and maintains a functioning network of
followers to precipitate his crimes upon the world. Should the illrigger ever commit a chaotic or carelessly disruptive act, his church will
excommunicate him and he will become forevermore a normal

Illriggers prefer armor and weapons of darkened metal. Plate mail
and morning stars predominate. Illriggers wear great helmets bearing the symbols and war standards of their gods. Insignias of rank,
each a subsymbol of the illrigger?s personal sigil, accompany every
f o l l o w e r .

Wisdom and intelligence are the prime requisites of the illrigger.
A total score in both abilities of 32 or greater adds 10% to earned
experience, and a total of 35 or greater adds 15%. Illriggers have
chances to know listed spells and minimum and maximum spells per
l e v e l   a s   m a g i c - u s e r s   d o   ( s e e   Players Handbook,  p. 10, Intelligence
Table II: Ability for Magic-users) and receive spell bonuses and
chances of spell failure according to their wisdom scores as clerics do
(see  Players Handbook,  p. 11, Wisdom Table II).
Illriggers can use any magic item unless it has an intrinsic good
alignment. Each time the illrigger gains a level, a cumulative 10%
chance indicates the presence of a follower (10% upon reaching 2nd
level, 20% upon reaching 3rd, etc.). Illrigger Table III shows the
type of followers attracted by an illrigger. An illrigger with sufficient
funds can build a stronghold at any time.

The special abilities of an illrigger are:
1. A continual emanation of a  protection from good  spell.

2. Immunity to all forms of disease.

3. Detection of good at 5? per level. The illrigger can determine
the type of good (lawful, neutral, or chaotic) in one segment of concentration.

4. Saving throw bonuses against chaotic magic at +1 for each
three levels ( +1 at 1st through 3rd level, +2 at 4th through 6th
level, etc.). Chaotic magic includes any spells cast by chaotic NPCs
or monsters, and any effects of magic items that are intrinsically
chaotic or that are used by chaotic beings.

5. Spell use at 5th level and above. Illrigger Table II shows the
number and level of such spells.

6. The use of certain thief functions at a level of ability equal to
half the level of the illrigger (1st-level ability at 1st and 2nd level,
2nd-level ability at 3rd and 4th level, etc.). The functions include
open locks, find/remove traps, move silently, hide in shadows, and
hear noise.  Racial adjustments do not apply.

7. The ability to attack on the assassins? table for assassinations
after surprising an opponent.

The illrigger follows no strictures other than the rigid rules necessary to maintain his church. Nearly all known illriggers are devil-worshippers.

Illrigger Table I
Hit points Level title
0 -- 2,800 1 d10 Arch of Ruin
2,801 -- 6,000 2 2d10 Pillar of Sin
6,001 -- 15,000 3 3d10 Griefbringer
15,001 -- 45,000 4 4d10 Evilforger
45,001 -- 75,000 5 5d10 Illrigger
75,001 -- 115,000 6 6d10 Illrigger
115,001 -- 165,000 7 7d10 Illrigger
165,001 -- 225,000 8 8d10 Illrigger
225,001 -- 300,000 9 9d10 Illrigger
300,001 -- 400,000 10 10d10 Illrigger
400,001 -- 800,000 11 11d10 Illrigger
800,001 -- 1,200,000 12 11d10 + 2 Illrigger
1,200,001 -- 1,600,000 13 11d10 + 4 Illrigger

Illriggers gain one level per 400,000 experience points above 10th
Illriggers gain 2 hit points per level above 11th level.

Illrigger Table II: Spells usable by experience level
                        Magic-user spell level    Cleric spell level
1 2 3 4 1 2 3
5 1 - - - - - -
6 1 1 - - 1 - -
7 2 1 - - 1 - -
8 3 2 1 - 1 - -
9 4 2 1 1 2 - -
10 4 3 2 1 2 1 -
11 4 4 2 2 2 1 -
12 4 4 3 2 2 2 -
13 4 4 4 3 2 2 1
14 4 4 4 3 3 2 2
15 4 4 4 4 3 2 2
16 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
17 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
18* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Note: 4th-level magic-user spells are usable only by illriggers of 15
or greater intelligence.
* -- Maximum spell-casting ability.

Illrigger Table III: Followers
Dice roll Type of follower
01-08 1-10 thieves of 1st level
09-14 1-8 thieves of 1st-2nd level
15-19 1-6 thieves of 1st-4th level
20-23 1-4 thieves of 2nd-5th level
24-26 1-2 thieves of 3rd-6th level
27-28 1 thief of 4th-7th level
29-31 1-4 assassins of 1st-2nd level
32 1 assassin of 3rd-6th level
33-35 1-6 magic-users of 1st level
36-37 1-4 magic-users of 1st-2nd level
38 1-2 magic-users of 2nd-5th level
39-40 1-2 illusionists of 1st-2nd level
41 1 illusionist of 2nd-4th level
42-46 1-6 clerics of 1st-4th level
47-49 1-3 clerics of 2nd-5th level
50-51 1-2 clerics of 4th-7th level
52 1 cleric of 5th-8th level
53 1-2 cloistered clerics1 of 1st-4th level
54-61 4-40 0-level men-at-arms of 1-6 hp each
62-67 1-10 fighters of 1st level
68-72 1-8 fighters of 1st-4th level
73-76 1-6 fighters of 2nd-5th level
77-79 1-4 fighters of 3rd-6th level
80-81 1-2 fighters of 4th-7th level
82 1 cavalier of 1st-6th level
83-84 1 hellcat or hell hound
85 6-24 mites
86 1 penanggalan
87 20-200 duergar plus females and young
88 20-200 orcs plus females and young
89 30-300 goblins plus females and young
90 10-100 hobgoblins plus females and young
91 1 blue dragon
92 1 ghost
93 1 spectre
94 1 wight
95 1 wraith
96 2 manticore
97 1-8 fire giants plus females and young
98 1-4 NPCs of any lawful evil class or subclass
99 special (see subtable on next page)
00 DM's choice

1 -- Cloistered clerics are described in Best of DRAGON Magazine, Volume 4, p. 7.

Special follower subtable
Die roll Type of follower
1-2 styx devil
3 1-3 abishai (any color)
4 1 pit fiend
5-6 1-2 horned devils
7 1-2 bone devils
8 1 ice devil
9-10 1 rakshasa
11-12 1 imp

R a c e   o f   f o l l o w e r   (if needed)
Roll d20: 1-3 = dwarf; 4-7 = half-orc; 8 = elf (5%), drow (75%),
half-elf (20%); 9-11 = human; 12-17 = same race as the illrigger;
18 = halfling; 19-20 = gnome.

The illrigger has a 10% chance per level beginning with the second of attracting a follower (10% upon reaching 2nd level, 20%
upon reaching 3rd level, etc.). Each time the illrigger gains a level
(or accumulates enough experience points to gain a level after reaching his level limit), the DM rolls to determine whether a follower will
offer services. If a follower is indicated, roll to determine the type of

For example, an illrigger gains sufficient experience points and
training to reach 5th level and has a 40% chance of attracting followers. The DM determines that followers are present and rolls to
determine their type, the result indicating 1-6 thieves of 1st-4th
level. Additional rolls define them as two 1st-level thieves and a 3rdlevel thief. Upon reaching 6th level, the illrigger will have a 50%
chance of attracting followers ? perhaps a wight or hell hound.
Followers can never have levels or hit dice greater than the level of
the illrigger. If such followers are rolled, disregard them. Suppose
the above illrigger attracted his followers at 2nd level. The two lowlevel thieves offer services; the one of higher level does not. A hell
hound attracted at 6th level could have 4, 5, or 6 but not 7 hit dice.
All followers of an illrigger are lawful evil.