
This is the man-pack
model; the fuel is carried on a backpack
canister. A hit on this canister, even if it is
only partially full, will cause an explosion
doing 8-64 points of damage (4-32 if
save is made) to all within 1” and will
destroy the weapon. To determine the
reloading time, roll d6 or modify, taking
into account dexterity, familiarity with
weapon, damage to weapon, visibility,
etc. Remember that this weapon will do
little or no damage to fire-resistant monsters
in the AD&D setting.

DAMAGE1, S-M: 2-12
DAMAGE1, L: 2-12
SUPPLY3: 500
RANGE (S/M/:): 1/4/9
RANGE MODIFIER (S/M/L)5: +4/+1/0
ENCUMBRANCE6: 10-80 (empty-full)

1 -- Per projectile (multiple attacks often possible per round; see "Fire rate"). S, M, L refer to size of creature.
2 -- Attacks per round (scaled down for AD&D purposes; not always true-to-life).
3 -- Attacks possible (rounds that can be fired before reloading).
4 -- In rounds.
5 -- Don't forget to also apply hit modifiers from the table on page 112 of the DMG. <(SIMPLY: don't forget to apply non-proficiency penalties, if applicable.)>
    Ranges are up to the number given (save for mortars; see text).
    The number given represents units of ten feet. <(Outdoors, ranges should be in yards)>
    S = short, M = medium, L = long.
6 -- In #.
20th Century Weaponry 20th Century Adventuring Dragon 57 Best of Dragon V Dragon