News from the Great Kingdom Demonic Knights of Doom Unit Composition - -
Dragon #59 - The World of Greyhawk - Dragon magazine

News from the Great Kingdom
Much news is to be heard as of late
from the surrounding provinces of the
Great Kingdom as well as from Rauxes
itself. A fleet from the recalcitrant Sea
Barons has been dispatched to aid the
cousin of the OverKing, who commands
North Province.

It is rumored that this movement came

down as an Imperial order from Rauxes
to help alleviate the problems created by
the incursions of Almor and Nyrond into
the southern part of Bone March, as well
as to answer the North Provinces’ call for
aid against these attacks. These incursions
come at a time of continued raids
from the humanoid bands near Bellport
who have not thrown in their banners
with the Herzog as of yet.

The Herzog continues to muster his

forces, awaiting the arrival of 2,000 seasoned
veterans of battles with the seawolves
of the north. It is said that the
Lord High Admiral of Asperdi is actually
sending his most gifted commander to
see to the raids around Bellport, reaffirm
supply routes to the north, and open a
solid marching front to move down the
Teesar Torrent. This plan is seen as a
two-pronged attack, possibly with the
horns protruding south from the Blemu
Hills and across the Teesar to storm
Knurl. In any case Knurl is being fortified
against any advent and the armies of Nyrond
and Almor are waiting.... 

At Rauxes, all is astir. Recently a

league having association with the Arch-
Cleric of Pholtus (of the Blinding Light
religion) and having offices in many
temples in and around the OverKing’s
capital, has announced its great disfavor
with the OverKing and its contempt for
his chaotic deeds of the present. It has
been claimed. by strong practitioners of
the faith that the OverKing will not be
satiated until all free people from all
lands are enslaved and at the feet of his
intolerable throne.

In support of these claims, Emasstus

Carcosa, a well-known sage and Patriarch
for the high seat of Pholtus at
Rauxes, has released substantial information
regarding OverKing Irvid’s past.
He states in a letter, supposedly sent to
all Free Nations, that: “We have in our
midst a devil incarnate. Hear me, people,
that the thoughts of lrvid the insane are
as black as his throne. We who worship
the light will not stand still as the machinations
of a madman destroy the once
splendid Kingdom we have now grown
to hate and cower in! The plans of this
man you call OverKing are those of a
child nursed upon the breast of lunacy!!”

Carcosa went on to specify that much

of the madness was created from within.
In fact, it is now known that a very highlevel
mage who was thought dead has
indeed shown up once again. He is
Xaene the accursed, cavorter with demons,
arch-enemy of the Mages’ Guild at
Rauxes (which he could not subvert nor
stand to serve), dabbler into all the arcane
arts of destruction and chaos, and
last but not least court wizard to Irvid. It
is told that it was Xaene who spoke to the
demons, the undead, the humanoids,
and under threats, sacrifice, and bloodletting
created early the power which Irvid
controls today. It was Xaene who
created the Demonic Knights of Doom,
who marshal the OverKing’s armies, who
convert all evils to their bolstering ranks,
and lead those fanatics of the Midnight’s
Darkness Clan who are in opposition at
this time to the Secret League of Pholtus.

Carcosa called upon all good people
to heed these warnings and tribulations
and rally to the support of the hallowed
hall of Pholtus. He called upon all saintly
religions, such as those of St. Cuthbert
and of Ehlonna and Heironious, to swell
the ranks of good.

Shortly after making these announcements,

Emasstus carcosa was ordered
arrested for treason and for subverting
the state with falsified information. There
has been an interim period in this affair,
for the sage/patriarch could not be located
and the followers of Pholtus would
neither support nor deny what their most
exalted leader had said. It is known by
some, though, that forces from Irvid’s
palace are scouring the capital and surrounding
countryside for him. These
contingents of searchers are led by:
some, though, that forces from Irvid’s

palace are scouring the capital and surrounding
countryside for him. These
contingents of searchers are led by:

Demonic Knights of Doom

FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: Variable (see below)
MOVE: 12” on foot,
21” mounted (see below)
HIT DICE: 4-10 hit dice +
% IN LAIR: Nil
TREASURE TYPE: Varies (see below)
NO. OF ATTACKS: As level plus special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Per weapon type
heat-based attacks
but exceptional
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil, neutral evil,
or lawful evil
SIZE: L (6-7’)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

These Knights appear as normal men

with undistinguishable features, their
faces hidden by visors. They always
wear gold-plated armor — in defiance
and mockery, it is said, of those aligned
lawful good. They will appear mounted
or on foot depending upon the type of
unit they are leading, with that variability
described below. These controlled servants
of the OverKing and Xaene were
created by the two wizards to marshal
armies and to convert all whom they encounter,
by the sword or by fear of death. 

4th-5th level: These generally serve as

captains of forces of from 100-200 lower level
soldiers. They use +1 swords. Their
+1 chain mail absorbs 10% of the damage
from any heat-based attack.

6th-7th level: These knights are greater

captains, or colonels, in charge of
contingents ranging from 200-500 men.
They use +2 swords, and their +2 chain mail will absorb 15% of the damage from
heat-based attacks.

8th-10th level: These are the generals

of campaigns, leading armies of 1,000-
4,000 men or more. They wear +3 plate
and wield +2 two-handed swords. Their
armor absorbs 20% of the damage from
heat-based attacks. It is rumored that
there are but five of these generals, and
the toughest of the lot is a 10th-level
knight who rides a horse that spits flame.

11th level and up: There are only two

Marshals. The greater of the two serves
the Northern and Eastern Provinces. He
is armed with a sword of cold and +3
plate. He is said not to fear fire of any
type. The lesser Marshal, serving the
Southern and Western Provinces, is
armed with a mace of disruption +4 and
is armored in +3 plate. The latter Marshal
is at this time much in the consul of the
Holy Censor of Medegia. It is rumored
that the Marshals can withstand all fires
but dragon breath.

These knights all have scores of 15 or

better in each ability. Though none of
them has done open combat within the
recent past, it is highly rumored that
some of the generals and most definitely
the Marshals have superhuman strengths
and constitutions.

The makeup of any unit the knights are

leading is detailed below. They always
lead troops of veteran to elite status, and
will always have a varying number of
personal guards (5-15% of listed troop
numbers) of levels 2nd through 4th.
These retainers are said to be the handpicked
troops of OverKing lrvid himself,
which he entrusts to the knights to send
on special missions of raiding, spying,
etc.; thus, they gain +1 on all morale
checks during such missions. They generally
come armored as the type of unit
they are assigned to, but the 4th-level
retainers are typically bedecked with +1
weapons and armor.

Unit composition

35% cavalry, as follows:
10% light horse scouts with swords,
spears, leather or studded leather armor,
target shields.
15% medium horse with swords,
lances, chain hauberks, kite shields.
10% heavy horse with lances, bastard
swords, full plate or plate mail,
kite shields.
50% infantry:
10% light skirmish type with assorted
light swords, axes, maces, no
20% medium foot with long swords,
spears, maces, chain hauberk, no
10% heavy foot with bastard swords,
long spears, assorted pole arms, chain
mail, and shields.
10% armored foot with halberds,
pikes, assorted pole arms, full plate or
plate mail, no shields.
15% Missile:
5% light archers with short bows,
spears, short swords, leather jerkins.
3% light crossbowmen with light
crossbows, short swords, axes, leather
2% longbowmen with longbows,
swords, leather armor.
5% horse archers with composite
bows, swords, studded leather armor,
target shields.

Some popular or notable units include

the following:
Heavy Foot regiment: Symbol is a
bronze baboon, and the mode (color) of
dress is colored saffrons, chocolates,
and bone white. This regiment is known
as the “howlers” when they go into combat,
for they howl and scream, causing
many a non-battle-ready foreign unit to
retreat in dismay.

Medium Horse regiment: Symbol is a
tan horse, and dress is black and aquamarine.
This unit is known for expertise
with the javelin while either mounted or
dismounted. Their nickname is the “bolters,”
for they are hard to keep from
charging into a fray once the battle has
been joined.

Horse-Archer regiment: Symbol is two
silver arrows crossed upon the colors of
ebony and scarlet. These warriors are
very accurate with their composite bows
and are called the “pointers,” for they
always lead the way on campaigns and
skirmish missions
Note: The assigning of these names,
colors, etc. was made easy by the application
and use of the Dungeon Masters
Guide. Though a wealth of material dealing
with the armies of the World of Greyhawk
will be published in the future,
there are always units from the Great
Kingdom (or any land, for that matter)
forming, reforming; or disbanding, so
the want for new unit types, names, and
colors along with the units’ distinctive
features and/or capabilities are always
needed and helpful to both the miniature
collector or to those players and/or DMs
who wish a more realistic tone to their
assorted “paper” armies.