Scientific name: Paris quadrifolia
Other names: Herb Paris, One-Berry
- - - - -
Wounds && Weeds - - - Dragon

Appearance: Herb true-love has a small
creeping root just below the surface of the
ground, from which spring clusters of
leaves, some of which have one star-like
white flower or one blackish-purple berry. A
leaf has four leaflets set at right angles to
each other, in a cross pattern.

Location: Herb true-love grows in woods
and copses, sometimes on the borders of
fields. Clusters of leaves appear in midspring;
berries are ripe in late spring.

Uses: This herb is useful as an antidote for
poisons and as an antiseptic. If poison is
suspected in a wound, the victim should eat
at least three berries of herb true-love, or
somehow ingest several leaves, either by
eating them raw or (more effective) mixed
with wine or as a tea. To speed healing and
prevent infection in a wound, crush the
leaves and use them to clean wounds, or
boil four leaves in a small amount of water
and use the broth so obtained as an antiseptic
wash to rinse or soak wounds.

Game effect: The use of herb true-love
will add +2 to saving throws vs. poison, +3
for halflings and dwarves, if it is ingested or
applied to the affected area (depending on
the type of poison) within 2 rounds of when
the poisoning took place. As an antiseptic
wash, herb true-love can be used once per
injury to restore one hit point to a wounded

Precautions: If a character searches for
herb true-love and fails to identify it properly,
he has found another plant that looks
very similar but is deadly: nightshade. If a
poisoned character ingests nightshade as a
remedy, he must make another saving throw
vs. poison (in addition to the saving throw
that was already required). Failure to make
the save vs. nightshade means death; making
the save means no damage. Nightshade
will be harmless and ineffective if applied