by Scott Bennie

FREQUENCY:  Very rare
MOVE:  9”/15"(MC:C)
HIT DICE:  9 + 3
% IN LAIR:  15 %
NO. OF ATTACKS:  2 claws and 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 7-l2/7-12/7-18
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  poisonous bite,
screech, surprise on 1-5
SPECIAL DEFENSES:  Various immunities
and resistances, rarely surprised
INTELLIGENCE:  Very to high
ALIGNMENT:  Neutral evil
SIZE:  M (6’ tall)
Attack/Defense Modes:  Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:  IX/5700 + 14/hp

Avari are batlike humanoids native to the
Middle Lower Planes, where they are the
unfortunate rivals of daemonkind for terri-
tory. There they dwell in dank caverns filled
with bats, and are usually encountered in
similar surroundings on the Prime Material

Avari love the taste of human flesh, and 
their saliva contains a powerful poison that
affects the victim?s nervous system; anyone
bitten by an Avari must save vs. paralyza-
tion or writhe in agony for 4-16 rounds, 
with the same effect as a  symbol of pain.  An
avari may also  screech  like a mobat (6"
radius), but may not bite in the same

Avari telepathically command all bats and
can  summon  1-4 mobats up to three times
per day. They are unaffected by non-
magical weapons, paralysis, poisons, and
acid attack forms, take half damage from
cold, electricity, and  magic missiles,  but
take full damage from fire.

Avari long ago dwelt in a central commu-
nity, but their wars against daemonkind
shattered their unity and forced them to
exist as isolated clans in the most desolate
reaches of their planes. They do not deserve
pity, for the avari are among the cruelest 
races of the Lower Planes, and love torture
for its own sake.

In the few places where avari flourish,
they have set up a feudal system using
slaves to satisfy their whims; as they often
feed upon these serfs, the efficiency of this
system is questionable. They have been
known to negotiate with humans, particu-
larly for gold (which avari crave), and will
manipulate adventurers into attacking their
enemies. They will usually try to eat anyone
who appears incapable of resistance. Avari
occasionally come to the Prime Material 
Plane via  gates  cast by other individuals,
and certain forms of magic have proven
successful in summoning them, through the
use of the personal names which all avari

Due to their acute sonar senses, avari
surprise opponents on a 1-5 on a d6, and
are surprised only on a 1. They see into the
ultraviolet and infrared spectrums, and
telepathically communicate with all crea-
tures of low intelligence or better. They
have huge leathery wings and are brown-
green in color.
Dragon magazine - Monster Manual III - Dragon #101