Betta, Giant
Created by Matthew Quinn
Art by Bob Maurus

NO. APPEARING: 1 male, 1-8 females
MOVE: //18?
HIT DICE: males 3 + 3, females 3 + 6
% IN LAIR: 55%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Bonus ?to hit?
SIZE: M (5?-6? long)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III/85 + 4/hp

Giant bettas, also known as giant Siamese
fish, are somewhat similar to their
smaller cousins.  They inhabit fresh, tropical
waters that are warm all year round. Giant
bettas are encountered in schools which
invariably contain 1 male fish and 1 or
more female followers. Males are
brightly colored, coming in red, blue, and green
versions; females are always a drab green.

Male giant bettas are extremely hostile
toward other males of their kind. If a male
betta sees its own reflection in a mirrorlike
surface, it will attack the reflection immediately,
to the exclusion of any other enemy.
The same applies to illusions the betta sees
of other males. (Bettas receive no saving
throw against illusions of this sort.) Male
bettas will attack other brightly colored
objects they see in the water, gaining a +2
bonus "to hit" against them; this includes
characters wearing flashy clothes, bright
silvery armor that will reflect the betta?s
coloration, and so forth. This does not
apply to female bettas.

Male bettas will create a bubble nest
when they desire to breed. A bubble nest is
an underwater air pocket at least 1 cubic
foot in volume, set under and overhanging
rock, a collection of interlocked branches, or
other? suitable object. The male betta will
inhale a large quantity of air at the surface,
swim down to the place where the nest is
being built, and exhale, forming the air
pocket. Any leakage will be stoppered by
scooping mud onto the leaking spot. The
male might also collect a few small shiny
objects to enhance the nest?s attractiveness
(hence the presence of gems).

Upon finding a female, the male will
have her lay eggs in the bubble nest and will
then chase the female away before she has a
chance to eat the eggs. The male will guard
the nest for two days, after which time the
eggs hatch. After a short period of time, the
male betta will eat whatever young remain
in the area; the rest must scatter and hide.
Young males soon start attacking each other
and separate to go their own ways.

Young bettas are born with 1 hp and gain
a full hit die every three months. Their bite
damage becomes effective against other
creatures when they are three months old,
doing 1-4 points damage. When they are six
months old they do 1-6 hp damage, and
finally they reach adulthood (and normal
bite damage) at nine months of age.

Bettas live in shallow waters not over
100' deep. They have to come to the surface
and gulp air to breathe. Though males
can be dangerous to underwater adventurers
in the tropics, female bettas will attack.
only if hungry or if attacked themselves.
Dragon magazine MM - Dragon #94 1st Edition AD&D