Introduction Oriental Dragons (AD&D) T'ien Lung - -
Shen Lung Li Lung Pan Lung Lung Wang Yu Lung
Dungeons & Dragons Dragon magazine - Monsters The Dragon #24

This article expands on the notes found in Gods,
Demi-Gods & Heroes at p. 68. Some inconsistencies with the notes are
caused by the latter’s brief nature and conflicts in the sources.

Each set of dragons encountered may be of any alignment and be
colored white, red, yellow, blue, green, or black, but their powers vary
solely with their type. There is a 60% chance of finding them in their lair,
but they never sleep. Only Yu Lung can be subdued. Roll age and size
as for a normal dragon. Where the article below indicates a multiplication
by the age level of the dragon, that means times one for a Very
Young dragon, times two for a Young one, etc.

All Chinese dragons are Psionic Class 6, but have ESP at a radius
of 5 X the age level of the dragon. All except Yu Lung can polymorph at
will into human form and back at will and become visible or invisible at
will, except that an invisible dragon will become visible when attacking.

Certain types below have the Scaly Command power. No scaly
creature who lives in the water (chiefly, fishes and reptiles) will ever
willingly attack a dragon with the power. In addition, such a dragon can,
once a day, command for a half-mile radius the number of scaly creatures
who live in the water which is specified for each class. This command
lasts 2-12 hours and cannot be dispelled. Creatures already
under the Scaly Command power of one dragon cannot fall under the
power of another, and all dragons are themselves immune to the
power. Otherwise, there is no saving throw against it.

Certain other types have the power of Water Fire. This unearthly
stuff may be created by any dragon with the power whenever he is
under or touching water, and may be dispelled by him at any time.
Water Fire surrounds the body like the Flame of a demon and does
damage, at the amount specified for each class, to anyone touching it.
All Chinese dragons are themselves immune to Water Fire. Water Fire

will disappear for 20-120 rounds after being contacted by real fire (as in,
for example, a Fireball), and cannot be recreated until the end of that
Type Translation Number Appearing HD AC Walk

T'ien Lung Celestial 1 11-13 -2 9/48/6 H x2
Shen Lung Spirit 1-4 9-11 1 12/12/9 H
Li Lung Earth 1-4 7-9 4 9/24/6 H
Pan Lung Coiled 1-4 6-8 2 12/12/0 H x 0.5
Lung Wang Sea 1 11-13 0 3/No/9 H x2
Yu Lung Carp 1-4 5-7 3 6/No/18 None

T'ien Lung

TYPE: Celestial
HD: 11-15
AC: -2
Walk/Fly/Swim: 9/48/6
Treasure: H x2

These are the Imperial Dragons mentioned in Gods, Demi-gods,

and Heroes, but they do not live in and rule the seas — that is the
province of Lung Wang. Instead, the typically yellow T’ien Lung, who
are wingless but can still fly, frequent the same type haunts as Silver

The ordinary attacks of the T’ien Lung are 2 claws 1-6 and 1 bite
4-40. They breathe fire in a 9 x 3 cone six times per day, doing damage
of their hit dice times the age level of the dragon. They may also throw
Control Weather at 2 times the age level of the dragon number of times
per day. Old and older T’ien Lung each have a 50% chance of being
accompanied by 1-6 Wind Walkers, Aerial Servants, or Spirits of the Air
(Gods, Demi-Gods and Heroes at p. 63). These fanatically loyal servants
cannot be charmed from their purpose and will do their utmost to
defend their master and, if necessary, avenge his death.

T’ien Lung are very fond of eating opals and pearls and look favorably
upon any mortal giving them.

Shen Lung

TYPE: Spirit
HD: 9-11
AC: 1
Walk/Fly/Swim: 12/12/9
Treasure: H

The most common, they are wingless, long, four-footed, with a
spiked back and tail, and 2 horns and whiskers on the head, plus an
unextractable organ inside it which allows them to fly.

Shen Lung typically attack with 2 claws 1-4, 1 bite 2-24, and 1 tail
spike 1-8. The tail is as supple as that of a wyvern but not poisonous.
Shen Lung have no breath weapon but may cast (1) three times a day,
either Control Weather or Ice Storm in any combination, (2) once per
day, Bless, and (3) once per day, Curse.

These dragons live in rivers and ponds, breathe air or water, take
no damage from lightning, but double damage from fire. They have the
powers of Scaly Command for 2-20 creatures times the age level of the
dragon, and Water Fire for 2-12 hits.

Shen Lung love arsenic, bamboo, and swallows. They are immune
to poison and no insect, arachnid, or arthroped may approach within a
radius of 6".

Li Lung

TYPE: Earth
HD: 7-9
AC: 4
Walk/Fly/Swim: 9/24/6
Treasure: H

The only Chinese dragon with wings, these have a lion’s body and

dragon’s head with human features. They live underground, cannot
breathe water, but can swim. Their ordinary attacks are 2 claws 1-5 and
1 bite 1-20. They have no breath weapon and would be easy prey
except that each can once a day, without a chance of being dispelled,
cast Earthquake, as the spell, with a width and length each 3 times the
age level of the dragon. Often such a convulsion will bring down the
cavern in which they are usually living, but Li Lung are never harmed by
any Earthquake, though they may be inconvenienced by having to dig
out of the rubble. The powerful claws of the Li Lung enable them to
tunnel like Umber Hulks.

Pan Lung

TYPE: Coiled
HD: 6-8
AC: 2
Walk/Fly/Swim: 12/12/9
Treasure: H x 0.5

A smaller, thinner, and longer version of the Shen Lung, Pan Lung
live in marshes and swamps. They have no tail spike and so, if they
succeed in grasping with their bite of 2-16 on each suceeding turn they
will automatically bite for 1-8 and constrict with their tail for 2-12 more.
They also have 2 claws 1-3 which must be rolled anew each round.

Pan Lung can fly, may breathe air or water at will, have the Scaly
Command power for 1-10 creatures times the age level of the dragon,
and have Water Fire for 1-6 points damage. They have no breath
weapon and cannot cast Control Weather, Ice Storm, Bless, or Curse,
but may throw Charm Monster three times per day.

Lung Wang

TYPE: Lung Wang
HD: 11-13
AC: 0
Walk/Fly/Swim: 3/No/9
Treasure: H x 2

These solitary brutes are a Chinese form of the Dragon Turtle, with
a turtle body, crested neck, and Shen Lung head. They rule large
bodies of water, can breathe air or water but cannot fly, and can lift any
ship they come up under or ram as the largest warship. Their ordinary
attacks are 2 claws 1-12 and 1 bite 6-36. They breathe out steam three
times per day in a 10 x 5 cone with damage at the hit dice of the dragon
times its age level.
Lung Wang have the Scaly Command power at 4-40 creatures
times the age level of the dragon, but no Water Fire. Except for the ones
noted in the general paragraph, they do not bother with other spells.

As rulers of the seas, Lung Wang will demand tribute from every
passing ship. Regular travelers may work out an arrangement — for
example, so much dumped overboard at a given spot.

Yu Lung

TYPE: Yu Lung
HD: 5-7
AC: 3
Walk/Fly/Swim: 6/No/18
Treasure: None

These shy creatures live in fresh water and have a dragon’s head, 2
legs, and a carp’s body or tail. They cannot fly, polymorph, or turn
invisible, have no breath weapon, and breathe only water, although
they can emerge awkwardly onto land for up to one hour. Their ordinay
attacks are 2 claws 1-4 and 1 bite 2-16.

When rolling up Yu Lung, bring all age levels of 5 or above down to
adult. There are no older Yu Lung: they have achieved their hearts
desire and metamorphosized into some other kind of Chinese dragon.