Fang Dragon
Created by Gregory Detwiler

FREQUENCY:  Very rare
MOVE:  12?/22? (MC: E)
HIT DICE: 9-11 plus special
% IN LAIR: 30%
NO. OF ATTACKS:   2 claws, 1 bite, and 1
tail strike
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  2-8/2-8/3-18/2-16
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Soulbite, four attacks
per round, high intelligence
SPECIAL DEFENSES:  Acute senses, saving-
throw bonuses
INTELLIGENCE:  Average to very
ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic neutral
SIZE:  L (36? long)
Speaking:  80%
Magic Use: Nil (but see below)
Sleeping:   20%
LEVEL/XP VALUE: 9-10 HD: VIII/3,300 +
14 per hit point; 11 HD: VIII/4,950 + 16
per hit point

Among the rarest of dragonkind in the
FORGOTTEN REALMS setting is the fang
dragon, a fearsome foe that is greedier
and more rapacious than its cousins ? and
far less cowardly. Fang dragons have little
magical ability, but instead have enhanced
combative powers. They have thick body
armor that rises into spurs on limb joints
and a long, forked tail that ends in two
scythelike, bony blades. Fang dragons fly
poorly but are skilled at rising with a
single clap of their wings, to lunge for-
ward with lightning speed and pounce on
prey within 90?.

The attack of a fang dragon involves
raking its victim with its claws and slash-
ing with its tail (the tail attack having an
80% chance of knocking over a small- or
man-size victim, and a 40% chance of 
stunning  such a victim for one round).
Any claw attack, in addition to its normal
damage, has a 60% chance of slashing the
intended target with the fang dragon?s
body spurs, doing an amount of damage
equal to the victim?s armor class (no dam-
age for AC 0 or better).

Though a fang dragon has no breath
weapon, its bite can have terrible effects.
If a 20 is rolled for the dragon?s attack, the
bitten victim must save vs. death magic or
have his life force drained. The victim 
loses all of his hit points at once, and the
dragon gains the current hit points of the
victim (i.e., before the bite damage of the
successful soulbite attack is subtracted) for
4-16 rounds. Damage done to the fang
dragon is first subtracted from these
?stolen? hit points during this time. The
restoration of stolen life can be accom-
plished if enough cure wounds spells are
placed upon the victim?s body to com-
pletely heal all the victim?s lost hit points;
this must be done within a period of time 
equal to the victim?s constitution score in
rounds. Otherwise, the life force of the
victim cannot be restored by any means
short of a  wish.  Slaying the fang dragon
within the same amount of time is also an
option, though this merely brings the
victim to zero hit points in an unconscious
state. The victim?s brow and breast must
then be bathed with the fluids of the
dragon?s heart and brain to recover the
lost hit points. Powdered fang dragon?s
fangs are a valued ingredient in the manu- 
facture of a variety of magical swords
(such as a  sword +2, nine lives stealer). 

Fang dragons do not cast magic spells,
except by reading scrolls useable by all
classes that they seize or bargain for. They
have occasionally used certain wands,
rods, and weapons that can be used by
any class of character, but this is rarely
seen. Fang dragons have excellent vocal
control, and are thus able to mimic human
voices very effectively, though they rarely
use this for trickery.

Fang dragons prefer to dwell in rocky
regions, and roam far from their lairs in
search of food, which they carry off to
rocky pinnacles or other secluded, defen-
sive positions far from their real lairs.
Fang dragons protect their lairs in their
absence by rolling large boulders before
the doors (they are as physically strong as
stone giants). A fang dragon usually speaks
common, its alignment tongue, 1-6 other
dragon languages, and snippets of local
demi-human or humanoid tongues.

Dragon magazine Monster Manual III - Dragon's Bestiary Dragon #134