The Dragon's Bestiary
Dragons of earth, sea, and space

Dragon - Monsters - Dragon #134
Aquatic Dragon Ichthyodrake Astral Dragon Weredragon Fang Dragon
Sand Dragon - - - Stone Dragon

Most people think of dragons in terms of
their colors (red, green, blue, etc.), but we
found some unusual dragons in our files
that should provide a nasty turn for any
adventurers. Unless otherwise noted, the
dragons described here share the charac-
teristics common to all dragonkind, as per
pages 29-31 of the Monster Manual. Size
categories are determined with a 1d8 roll,
and all pass through the same age catego- 
ries, with certain numbers of hit points
per hit die. Most of these dragons have 60?
infravision, superb senses allowing them
to  detect hidden or invisible creatures
within 1? per age level, a fear-producing
aura appearing at adult age, and improved
saving throws. Additionally, most of them
may be subdued, bribed, or flattered, and
the amount of treasure they have depends
on their ages.