Quazar Dragon
by Susan Lawson

Quazar Dragon
( D r a c o   G o d a w f u l u s   A r m a g e d d o n u s )
b y   S u s a n   L a w s o n
FREQUENCY:  Only once
NO. APPEARING:  1 (unique)
ARMOR CLASS:  -4000 (equal to sixteen
miles of iridium plating)
MOVE:  Effectively infinite
HIT DICE:  All there are
% IN LAIR:  Nil, lives in interstellar space
TREASURE TYPE:  Planets may be found
in stomach
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  One world?s worth
per bite
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Belch causes
10,000d6 damage to all beings within
one million kilometers
SPECIAL DEFENSES:  Has no enemies
What?s that?
ALIGNMENT:  Perpetually hungry

SIZE:  L  (120,600 km from nose to tail
PSIONIC ABILITY:  Psionics? How do
you spell that?

The first clue that a ?Monty Haul?
world is about to be eaten comes when the
characters walk outside their gold-plated
+8 castle walls, wearing their +22  platemail of prismatic invulnerability,  and see
the sun disappear. This is a sure indicator
that the Quazar Dragon has opened its
28,260 km wide mouth and is about to
swallow the planet whole. The only possible
way to save oneself in such a situation is to
immediately  throw all the magical items one
can get hold of into a  sphere of annihilation.
The Quazar Dragon will take about 12-48
hours to close its mouth, so the characters
do  have a little lead time.  ALL  magic,
every scrap of it, every teensy weensy itty
bitty bit of it, must be destroyed. If this is
done, there is a 5% chance the Quazar
Dragon will change its mind and not gulp
the planet down.

The Quazar Dragon has no natural enemies, being immune even to bumping into
neutron stars. It uses the vast amount of
energy it takes in to launch itself across
interstellar space at trans-light velocities,
ever searching for another inflated world to
have for a light snack.
Dragon - Monsters - Dragon #59