Created by Ed Greenwood
Art by Marsha Kauth

MOVE.: 16?
HIT DICE: 2 + 2
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: See below
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Electrical spark
SPECIAL DEF.: Immune to magic;
heat/electrical absorption; in visibility
SIZE: S (3?-6? diameter)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/Immune
to attack
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III/110 + 3/hp

This eerily beautiful creature is usually
mistaken for the feared will-o-wisp. A firestar
appears to be a silent, floating, fistsized
mote of light. It is usually seen dancing
in intricate patterns in secluded,
moonlit hilltops or forest glades (hence the
nickname ?moondancer?). It tends to
ignore other creatures unless disturbed, but
is attracted to firelight within a two-mile
range and by spell use within a 20? range.

A firestar can absorb energy from normal
and magical flames and from electrical
discharges, taking as many hit points as
would normally be given out in damage and
gaining them as additional body hit points,
up to a maximum hit point total of four
times its original score. For example, a 12
hp firestar could absorb up to 36 hp of
damage and keep them as its own hit
points. The hit points will be lost after 2-5
hours. Any additional hit points of fire or
electrical damage that are not absorbed are
lost. A firestar is otherwise immune to the
effects of flame and electricity. Note that
fiery damage from a flame tongue sword can
also be absorbed, at a rate of +1 hp absorbed
per sword strike (thus reducing the weapon
?s effectiveness against firestars).

If attacked, a firestar can transmit an
electrical jolt similar to a miniature lightning
bolt of 2-12 hp damage to an enemy,
up to five times per day. No saving throw is
given against this attack. Such a discharge
has a 30? range, and can be conducted
through metal armor or weapons.

Firestars are intelligent and can understand
movements, gestures, and even some
words of Common or the predominant local
tongue. They can communicate only if
another creature employs a speak with
monsters spell or telepathy to converse with
them. They have their own intricate language,
a series of dancing patterns accompanied
by fluctuations in their glow.
Firestars can control the intensity of their
glow and even blank it out entirely for 2-8
rounds (during which times they are effectively

A firestar?s light fails if it is slain, revealing
an egg-shaped, 2? long body covered
with a black spiderweb of nerves intersecting
at many nodes. At each node is an eye.
Within the body are several distinct organs,
one of which is valued as an alternative
component for the dancing lights spell, and
all of which may serve as ingredients in
magical inks for the spells affect normal
fires, dancing lights, and detect magic. A
firestar itself is immune to psionic attack
and to all spells except detection or communication
spells, magic missile, and cold-related
spells (all of which have normal
effects). A firestar can be hit by normal
weapons, but any flaming weapon which
strikes a firestar will both physically wound
and strengthen it as noted above.
Dragon magazine MM - Dragon #94 1st Edition AD&D