by Michael Persinger

FREQUENCY:  Very rare
MOVE:  10?/18?(MC:C)
% IN LAIR:  80%
NO. OF ATTACKS:  4 claws, 1 bite, and 
1 tail slash; or, 4 weapons
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8/2-8/2-8/2-8/
3-12/1-6 or 4 weapons, by type
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Continuous damage
SPECIAL DEFENSES:  +1 or better
weapon to hit, regeneration
ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic evil
SIZE:  M (6’ tall)
Attack/Defense Modes:  Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:  VIII/4950 + 16/hp

A variant offshoot of the gargoyle race,
the gargorian is far less common than its 
weaker cousin. This 6?-tall, four-armed
monstrosity is on friendly terms with regu-
lar gargoyles, though the latter do not wor-
ship them. They will almost always work in
cooperation with each other, though they
have been known to clash at times. Like its
smaller relative, the gargorian can only be
hit by +1 or better weapons.

The gargorian can attack in two different
ways, naturally (with clawed hands, a bite,
and a tail slash) or by the use of weapons. If
the natural attack mode is used and two or
more arms hit the same opponent, the
opponent is seized and takes an additional 7
hp of rending damage. Anyone with a
strength of 15 or better can break free im-
mediately (though still taking damage that
round). Anyone with a strength of 10-14
will be trapped for 1-3 rounds, afterward
breaking free. During this time, the grasp-
ing arms do not need to roll to hit; they do
normal damage, as well as the 7 points of
rending damage. Arms that aren?t grasp-
ing, as well as the tail and the bite, must 
roll to hit. Anyone with a strength of 9 or
below will be trapped until the gargorian
chooses to release him. Grasped characters
may still attack with no ?to hit? penalties,
so long as they are using weapons 3? or less
in length. Other weapons may not be used.

The gargorian is sometimes armed with
four longswords (or other weapons 4? or
less in length). If this attack mode is used, it
does not get to utilize its bite or tail attacks
and it cannot grasp-opponents. When using
weapons, the creature gets ?to hit? and
damage appropriate for a being with 19
strength (+3/+7).

On the round after it is wounded, the 
gargorian begins to  regenerate  at a rate of 1
hp per round. It can  regenerate  fire and
acid damage, but when it is reduced to zero
hit points,  regeneration  stops and the mon-
ster is dead. The gargorian can direct its
attacks against multiple opponents.

The gargorian generally dislikes humans
and will usually attack them. Despite this,
gargorians are sometimes forced into service
to exceptionally powerful humans and
monsters to guard their treasures. If some-
one hits a gargorian with an  arrow of slay-
ing gargoyles,  it will not automatically die,
though it will take away 75% of its current
hit points as damage.
Dragon magazine - Monster Manual III - Dragon #101