Created by Gregory Detwiler

FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: //15"
HIT DICE: 10-12
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon, swallowing whole, continuous damage, high damage bite
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Acute senses, saving throw bonuses
SIZE: L (100' long)
LEVEL/XP VALUE: 10 HD: VIII/4200 + 14 
    per hit point; 11-12 HD: IX/6,100 + 16 
    per hit point

    The ichthyodrake is one of the largest
and most fearsome marine predators in
existence. A rich deep green in color, it
resembles a titanic fish with a dragon's
head. The creature is apparently a distant
relative of the true dragons, as it shares
the same size and age categories, sensory
and detection powers (except for infravis-
ion, which it lacks), fear-producing aura,
and saving-throw bonuses as other
dragons. However, these dragons cannot
speak or use magic, and they never seem
to sleep. Worse yet, ichthyodrakes cannot
be subdued, bribed, or flattered. A single
V-shaped set of gills lies just behind the
eyes and jaw attachments. Ichthyodrakes
are so massive that they can ram and sink
even the largest ocean-going vessels,
though they prefer a diet of fish to a diet
of people.

Few other sea creatures have developed
the use of sound to the same degree as the
ichthyodrake, which uses this ability well
in its search for food. Ichthyodrakes
reside at the top of the food pyramid,
chiefly preying on ?normal? predatory
fishes such as sharks and barracudas.
Such a monster?s fins can be made to
quiver at will, sending vibrations which
can be felt in a 10-mile radius. These
vibrations attract the attention of oceanic 
predators and bring them swarming in,
where they are attacked and eaten. The
ichthyodrake?s jaws are so large that even
the largest ordinary sharks can be swal-
lowed whole. Once inside, prey takes 2-12
hp acid damage per round from the ich-
thyodrake?s digestive fluids until wholly
digested. If a character is swallowed and
digested, and the ichthyodrake is cut open
afterward, any surviving magical or metal-
lic gear that saved vs. acid is found in the
creature?s stomach. Digested characters
cannot be brought back to life by any 
means short of a  wish. 

 When dealing with particularly power-
ful single foes, ships, or parties, the ichthy-
odrake can use its breath weapon three
times per day. This is a  sonic blast  that
sends severe vibrations through the water
in a 20'-long by 80?-wide cone. Any crea-
ture caught in the area of effect takes 4-40
hp damage, and all nonliving materials
must save vs. crushing blow. Because of
this and the other powers it possesses, the
ichthyodrake has no known natural ene-
mies, except for powerful adventurers. 

Dragon magazine Monster Manual III - Dragon's Bestiary Dragon #134