Magenta's Cat
Created by
Roger Moore


FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 1 (5% chance of 3-6)
MOVE: 12”
% IN LAIR: Special
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Hiding, silence,
Attack/Defense Modes: All/all

Several centuries ago a Wizardess
named Magenta began experimenting to
try to produce psionic ability in her familiar,
a large black cat called (predictably)
Midnight. Though she was successful in
making Midnight psionic, an unintended
side effect caused the cat to be released
from its obligation as a familiar, and it

Though Midnight was never found
again, it would seem that the cat was
able to breed with others of the normal
variety and produce psionic and intelligent
offspring. The special genes for
these powers are recessive, and thus the
probability that any cat today will possess
the powers of its ancestor is very
low (something like 1 in 1,000).

All known psionic cats
(called Magenta’s Cats) are
reputed to be of the same
deepest black color as the
original. About two thirds of
these cats are female. All
have exceptional night vision,
allowing them to see well in
anything but absolute darkness,
and very sensitive hearing.
These senses make the
cats impossible to surprise.
The silence with which they
move and their dark color allows
them to surprise opponents
on a 1-5 in shadowed
areas and at night.

Magenta’s Cats are intelligent
in the extreme, and can
apparently communicate with
all feline creatures by means
of a sort of limited empathy/
telepathy. They may speak
up to three languages besides
the feline tongue and the
language of neutral alignment.
It is 90% likely that at least one of
these other three languages will be the
common tongue, and 60% likely that
another will be elven.

Magenta’s Cats are aloof and somewhat
conceited; they all seem to feel they
are vastly superior to any other thinking
creature, although they are not given to
“broadcasting” their powers. It is likely
that any Magenta’s Cat aware it is being
watched will act like a normal cat, not
revealing its true nature until it chooses
to or is forced to.

Though these creatures usually travel
alone, it is possible to run into a small
group of them, all adults, who have gathered
to exchange information, feed, or
mate. Singly or in groups, these cats are
only known to inhabit towns and cities.
Litters have 3-5 kittens, with only a 10%
chance of each offspring having the
special powers of the psionic parent(s).
The chance is the same whether one or
both parents are psionic.

The psionic powers of a Magenta’s Cat
are as follows: Each has the Minor Devotions
of Invisibility, Body Equilibrium,
Cell Adjustment, and Molecular Agitation.
These powers are used at the seventh
level of mastery. Psionic Invisibility
will only be used as a last resort if the
cat’s normal methods of staying out of
sight fail. Body Equilibrium explains why
Magenta’s Cats often leap from high
buildings and cliffs to escape pursuit,
since they are able to slow their descent
to prevent harm, and also explains why
now and then a confused peasant or traveler
will report seeing a black cat walk
across a lake or pond and not get wet.
Cell Adjustment removes any damage to
the cat (unless it was killed outright)
completely in one round. Molecular Agitation
is rarely used, but explains why
the homes of known cat-haters sometimes
burn down inexplicably. Most people
believe this is the vengeance of the
Egyptian cat-goddess, Bast, or a likeminded
deity. Magenta’s Cats probably
know differently.

A magic-user of true neutral or part neutral
alignment who has psionics may
receive a Magenta’s Cat for a familiar if
the spell Find Familiar is cast successfully
and a black cat is indicated as the
type of familiar received. The base
chance is 5%, plus an additional 1% per
level of experience of the magic-user
over the first. For a magic-user of true
neutral alignment, this chance of success
is unmodified; however, subtract
2% from the figure arrived at if the magicuser
is neutral good, neutral evil, lawful
neutral or chaotic neutral. Magic-users
of other alignments will not be able to
find a Magenta’s Cat for a familiar even if
they are psionic.

In addition to the normal powers of a
black cat familiar, the Magenta’s Cat
makes the magic-user impossible to surprise
and can add its psionic strength
points to its master’s in multiple psionic
operations. The magic-user may likewise
add his or her points to the cat’s to
extend its powers, but the magic-user
will not gain the cat’s psionic disciplines
as his or her own, or vice versa. If the
Magenta’s Cat familiar is killed, the
magic-user immediately loses twice as
many hit points as the cat had, permanently,
and also loses all of his or her psionic
powers forever. Like all other familiars,
the Magenta’s Cat gets a
saving throw vs. magic when
the Find Familiar spell is

There is a 5% chance that a
Magenta’s Cat will be acting
as a familiar if encountered
normally. If so, it will be
linked to a Wizard of 11th to
18th level (d8 + 10, to generate
level randomly) who will
react with all powers possible
if his or her familiar is
threatened. There is a fair
chance the cat will be wearing
a jeweled (and possibly
enchanted) collar of considerable
value, as determined
by the Dungeon Master.

A Magenta’s Cat acting as
a familiar will be very near to
its master or mistress, or to
the home of that character.
Aside from this sort of “lair,”
Magenta’s Cats have no lairs
and collect no treasure.


Our pleasure, Roger. (Sigh.) We do it all the
time. And while we’re at it, let’s set the record
straight about “Magenta’s Cat” (Dragon’s
Bestiary, #58). The feline was created by
Roger and his wife Georgia, not by Roger
alone (as the credit line indicated). Now will
you let him back in the house, Georgia? 

— KM
(Dragon #60)

Dragon magazine - Monster Manual III - Dragon #58