The Prowler


(Source: The Pit of the Oracle, The Dragon #37)
% IN LAIR—10%
8, Constriction 4-48
ALIGNMENT—Neutral Evil
SIZE—L (9-16’ long)
    Attack Defense modes—Nil

When looking into the eyes of the Prowler it is necessary to make
a save vs. magic or the victim will be irrevocably mind blanked,
becoming a Zombie under the control of the Prowler. (Those who
make the save, the Prowler will attempt to crush within its powerful
coils.) The Zombie(s) then become the recipient of the monster’s
eggs, which she carefully injects underneath the skin of the victims
with the brown tentacles that line her mouth. No matter how
tenderly she does this, however, the victim still takes 1-8 points of
damage. The Zombies are then turned loose to wander about
aimlessly for 2-8 days until the eggs hatch and disclose their wriggling
contents, cute little baby Prowlers. The Zombie now becomes
their first meal; he lies down quietly as the little devils pick his bones

Some exceptionally intelligent Prowlers have been known to
form hatcheries. They charm large numbers of people and use them
as guards and hosts for their eggs. These hatching grounds will
usually be found in abandoned caves or underground.

To restore the minds of the Zombies, it is necessary to acquire the
services of 3 High Priests (9th-level Clerics or higher), who
simultaneously cast Dispel Evil spells upon the Zombie, who then
regains control of his mind.

OD&D Stats

Hit Dice: 14
Movement: 12
A/C: 1
Align: Evil - Highly Intelligent
50% Magic Resistant
Attacks: Constriction, 4-48 hp/turn
Bite, 1-8
No. Apearing: 1

When looking into the eyes of the Prowler it is necessary to make a
save vs magic or the victim will be irrevocably mind blanked, a zombei
under the control of the Prowler. (Those that save the Prowler will attempt
to crush within its powerful coils.) The zombeis then become the
recipient of the monster’s eggs which she carefully injects underneath
the skin of the victims with the brown tentacles that line her mouth.*
The Zombeis are then turned loose to wander aimlessly about for 2-8
days until the eggs hatch and disclose their wriggling contents, cute little
baby prowlers. The zombei now becomes their first meal, he lays
down calmly as the little devils pick his bones clean.

Some exceptionally intelligent prowlers have been known to form
hatcheries. They charm large numbers of people and use them as
guards and as hosts for their eggs. These hatching grounds will usually
be found in abandoned caves or underground.

To restore the minds of the zombeis it is necessary to acquire the
services of 3 Patriarchs, who simultaneously cast dispell evils upon the
zombei who then regains his mind.

*However no matter how tenderly she does this the victim still
takes 1-8 points of damage.
Dragon magazine - MM - Dragon #7