Created by Kris Marquardt
Art by Dennis Kauth

FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 1 (20% chance of 2-5)
ARMOR CLASS: 7 (body), 2 (tentacles)
MOVE: 3?
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 tentacles
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-10/1-10/1-10/1-10
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Multiple attacks
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Cold resistance
SIZE: M (5?-6? tall)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X. P. VAL.: 4 HD, III/110 + 4/hp;
5HD, XV/170 + 5/hp; 6 HD, 300 + 6/hp

The rekeihs (pronounced ree-KAYZ; the
name is the same in singular or plural
forms) is a carnivorous plant found in tropical
swamps and other warm, damp areas,
including some dungeons. It preys largely
upon live animals, including adventurers
who wander into its territory.

A rekeihs has four powerful legs that
form its major root systems; these are used
to draw nourishment from slain animal
victims and, when necessary, from muddy
soil. Although it is powerful, the rekeihs is a
slow-moving creature with no jumping

The four upper tentacles of the rekeihs
are secondary roots that anchor themselves
in mud when the creature isn?t moving.
They are also used in combat and can drag
slain prey toward the rekeihs. When attacking,
the tentacles lash out and grasp a victim,
wrapping partially around it; then the
tentacles suddenly jerk free and the suction
pads underneath each tentacle rip away at
the victim?s skin. If the victim is using a
shield, there?s a 25% chance that the shield
will be pulled away by any one tentacle
unless the shield bearer can roll his chance
to open doors (based upon his strength).
Victims wearing armor of AC 5 or better
will only suffer 1-4 hp damage per tentacle

A rekeihs is able to attack four opponents
at once and can direct up to three of its
tentacles against any one single opponent.
The main body and legs of a rekeihs are AC
7; the tentacles are AC 2.

Growing from the top of the rekeihs?s
head are vibration and auditory sensors,
which can pick up any loud sounds within a
25? radius of the creature. Each of the
rekeihs?s four eyes have infravision out to
30? and regular vision out to 120?. (Rekeihs
are nearsighted.) Rekeihs are drawn
toward moving light sources and will often
attack illuminated beings at night. They
take half damage from all cold-based
attacks, but fire-based attacks do +2 hp per
dice of damage to them.

Once a year, a rekeihs will reproduce
using a slain animal or human victim. It
will attach its four ?legs? to the victim,
though it will fend off attackers during this
time with its tentacles if necessary. Within
one turn, the rekeihs will have sent rootlets
throughout the body of the victim; raising
the victim from the dead is then impossible
without use of a wish. The rekeihs will
become immobile (except for its flailing
tentacles during a fight). Within 3-18 turns
after attaching itself to a body, the rekeihs
will explode violently, causing 6-24 points
damage to all within 30? of it. This kills the
rekeihs, but within 2-12 turns after this
explosion, from 3-6 young rekeihs (each 1?
tall) will grow and separate from the body
of the slain victim.

The young rekeihs will grow at an astounding
rate; within a month, the (1 HD
at birth) youth will have grown to adult size
(4 HD). A new hit die is gained every
month afterward until full adult size (6 HD)
is gained.

The rekeihs has a bulbous shape with
four stout legs and four tentacles-spaced
even around the body. Above each tentacle
is a single unblinking eye, and a wavy
growth of filaments extend from the top of
its head. The main body of the rekeihs is a
dull, mottled green; the legs and tentacles
are darker, turning to purple or even blue in
older specimens. The eyes are dull black
with green pupils.
Dragon magazine MM3 - Dragon #94 1st Edition AD&D