Schtheraqpasstt (Major demon)
by David Wellman

MOVE:  12”/36” (MC: C)
HIT DICE: 111 hp (attacks as 16 + HD
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS:  1 bite and 2 constriction
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  2-12/3-30
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Poisonous bite, contin-
uous damage, insanity aura
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon
needed to hit, immune to mind-affecting
spells, psionics, and illusions
INTELLIGENCE:  Supragenius (insane; see
ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic evil
SIZE:  L (60’ long)

Sch?theraqpasstt (pronounced schik-
there-AUK-past) was once a lesser god that
ruled the 111th plane of the Abyss, and
from there orchestrated the creation of
the yuan-ti ages ago. However, he was not
satisfied with being ?simply? a god, and he
devised a method to gain ultimate power.
Sch?theraqpasstt attempted to merge his
life-essence with the plane he ruled and
become, in effect, a living dimension.

His scheme destroyed him by giving him
what he wanted. He succeeded in merging
with his plane of the Abyss, but no intel-
lect, no matter how powerful, could stand
the strain of being joined with pure Chaos.
All but a minute portion of his psyche
went insane; with what little of his mind
was left, he formed the body described
herein, a shadow of his former self.

This manifestation appears as a 60?-long,
winged, ebony serpent. The attack modes
are bite and, constriction. Those bitten
take 2-12 hp damage and must save versus
poison at -4 or contract a form of insan-
ity. Such insanity can be cured with a  heal,
wish, limited wish or alter reality spell.
Constriction causes 3-30 hp damage, and
such damage is automatic every round
after the first hit. Sch?theraqpasstt can
constrict up to six small-size, four man-
size, or two large-size creatures pe

A +2 or better weapon is needed to hit
Sch?theraqpasstt, and in addition to his
magic resistance, he is immune to all
mind-affecting spells (including illusions).
All beings within 100? of Sch?theraqpasstt
must save at the beginning of every round
or be affected as per a scarab of insanity.

Sch?theraqpasstt flits through the multi-
verse in a random fashion, rarely staying
in one place for more than one turn. He
has been seen on the Prime Material plane
several times and will always be there on
the Night of Venom, usually where the
greatest number of yuan-ti are singing his
praises. At this time he will be somewhat
rational, but at other times there is a 10%
chance per round that his intelligence will
slip from supragenius to complete idiocy.
If Sch?theraqpasstt goes insane during a
battle, he fights to the death, with + 2 on
all to-hit, damage, and saving rolls, and a
-2 penalty to his opponents? saves vs. his
poison and magical effects.

If Sch?theraqpasstt?s material form is
killed, his psyche returns to his home
plane of the Abyss and reforms over a
period of 111 days. The only way to truly
destroy this being is to destroy his entire
plane. Thus, at the price of his godhood
and sanity, Sch?theraqpasstt attained an
indestructible immortality.

This being?s home plane is known as
?The Mind of Evil.? The only activity there
is the chaotic whirling of an intelligent,
insane plane. Anyone transported here is
at the mercy of Sch?theraqpasstt and, as
magic does not work here, has almost no
chance of survival. Note that all planar
travelers are aware of this peril and avoid
that layer of the Abyss at all costs.

Part of the yuan-ti plan after conquering
the world is to gather all the magic they
can find and use it to reverse the downfall
of their god. Whether this can be achieved
is unknown, but there are few persons
outside yuan-ti society who wish to see
this come about.

Dragon magazine Monster Manual III - The ecology of the Yuan-ti Dragon #151