The Dragon's Bestiary: Trouble comes on little cat feet
by Scott Bennie

Tibbit (Cat-were)

FREQUENCY:  Very rare
NO. APPEARING:  1-2 (3-12 on Pandemonium)
MOVE:  15?
HIT DICE:  2 + 8 hp
% IN LAIR:  40%
T R E A S U R E   T Y P E :   See below
NO. OF ATTACKS:  2 or 1
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  1-4/1-4 or by weapon
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Psionics, rear claws
for 1-6/1-6
S P E C I A L   D E F E N S E S :   +1 or better weapon
to hit, immune to falling damage, spell
use, high intelligence, healing saliva,
never surprised
I N T E L L I G E N C E :   Very
ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic neutral (15% chaotic
SIZE:  S (3? tall in humanoid form)
Attack/Defense Modes:  B,D/All
LEVEL/XP VALUE:  IV/200 +3 per hp

Tibbits are the offspring of domestic cats
that have mated with wizards? black-cat
familiars. About 5% of such black-furred
half-breeds are cat-weres called tibbits. A
tibbit has two forms: a fat but energetic
domestic cat, and a small, stealthy, darkskinned humanoid with cat ears. In either
form, tibbits are roguish, mischievous
creatures whose pranks often get others
in trouble, usually to the tibbits? delight.

In humanoid form, a tibbit has many of
the special skills of a 10th level thief-acrobat.
A tibbit never (in either form)
takes damage from falling. It usually

attacks with a knife, dagger, or short
sword (held two-handed) in manlike form.
In cat form, it attacks with claws. If both
claws successfully strike a target, the
tibbit also attacks automatically with its
rear claws in the same melee round. A
tibbit can leap up to 30' in either form
from a crouched position. Their senses of
vision, smell, and hearing are so acute as
to prevent surprise by attackers.

Tibbits Thief-Acrobat Abilities
Skill Ability
Pick pockets 50%
Open locks 42%
Find/remove traps 40%
Move silently  90%*
Hide in shadows 75%*
Hear noise 95%*
Climb walls 90%
Read languages 25%
Tightrope walking 95%
Pole vaulting 11'
High jumping 5'
Broad jumping 30'* 
Tumbling -
Attack 10%
Evasion 30%
Falling 100%

* Special tibbit ability

A tibbit?s meow (when in cat form)
allows it to  dispel magic  as a 10th-level
magic-user, three times a day. Once per
day, it can arch its back and generate a
mirror image.  Twice per day, a tibbit can
spend one melee round licking a wound
(on either itself or another tibbit), which
heals 3-24 hp damage. Tibbits can never
be  confused.

Tibbits prefer comfort and luxury,
though their possessions are often silly,
such as cloth mice to be carried about and
gnawed upon. Once in its lifetime, a tibbit
m a y   plane shift  itself and 200 lbs. in goods
to Pandemonium, where tibbits dwell in
considerable numbers. Some tibbits with
more beneficent attitudes remain on the
Prime Material plane. These are typically
found, in cat form with kindly old women
whom the tibbits serve as protectors (without their mistresses? knowledge) in
exchange for pampering and affection. If
its mistress is attacked, a tibbit can gate in
5-50 other tibbits from Pandemonium to
run rampant over the attackers (summoned tibbits return to their home plane after
30 rounds, whether their rescue was
successful or not). If more than 20 tibbits
are slain in one place, there is a 25%
chance that the Cat Lord  (Monster Manual
II,  pages 22-23) will arrive to exact vengeance on the slayers.

Tibbits are mildly psionic. All tibbits
possess the disciplines of body equilibrium,
precognition, and telempathic projection, each at 10th level mastery.
Dragon - Monsters - Dragon 135