Created by Stephen Innis
Art by Roger Raupp

MOVE: 21?
HIT DICE: 5 + 2
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws and 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-5/2-5/2-8
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Minor poison; spells
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spells; never surprised;
various immunities & resistances
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral or
chaotic evil
SIZE: M (5? tall,)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VI/575 + 6/hp

Vitches are hateful creatures from the
plane of Pandemonium, inclined to malign
destruction and disorder. They are skilled
vandals, ripping open wineskins, spoiling
food, biting through ropes and straps, tormenting
domestic animals, smashing wood,
and generally creating havoc wherever they
go. The more beautiful or orderly an object
or an arrangement is, the greater their
determination to destroy it. Though they
can inflict fatal wounds, viltches prefer to
cause mere scratches and nicks, concentrating
on various random acts of hooliganism.
They seek out weak prey and avoid direct
confrontation with powerful creatures.

The following powers are available to a
viltch, usable one at a time, once per round:
detect traps, dimension door, shatter (three
times per day), teleport (once per day), trip
(three times per day), warp wood (three
times per day), and gate (30% chance of
1-20 more viltches from Pandemonium). A
viltch is immune to electrical damage,
psionic attacks and powers, and poisons or
gases of any sort. It takes half damage from
cold or fire. Viltches have both infravision
and ultravision out to 90'.

Viltches are never surprised and always
gain +2 on initiative rolls because of their
speed. They have the abilities of 12th-level
thieves in picking pockets, opening locks,
removing traps, and climbing walls. A
viltch can dodge non-magical missiles if it
saves vs. petrification. The venomous bite
of a viltch causes pain in a live victim (-3
?to hit? and no chance of casting spells or
attacking psionically) for 1-6 turns.

A viltch resembles a mandrill with matted
and disheveled fur, and is a dirty gray color.
Its muzzle is blue-gray. It has a mane of
darker color, and its eyes burn a baleful
yellow. A viltch has only three legs: a single
leg in back, and two in front. It seems not
to be handicapped by this arrangement.
Dragon magazine MM3 - Dragon #94 1st Edition AD&D