Scientific name: Althaea officinalis
Other names: Mortification Root, Sweet Weed
- - - - -
Wounds && Weeds - - - Dragon

Appearance: The marsh-mallow has soft,
hairy white stalks that can grow up to 3-4
feet in height and have many branches. The
wide leaves are soft and hairy, with serrated
edges. The plant has many large pink
flowers with purple centers, and an extensive
system of long roots that are pliant and
tough, whitish-yellow in color. The roots are
filled with a clear, slimy juice that thickens
like jelly when mixed with water.

Location: Marsh-mallow grows abundantly
in salt marshes, and in damp meadows
near the seashore. It flowers during all
the summer months.

Uses: This herb is effective both as an
immediate treatment for burns, and also as
a secondary cure for those severely weakened
from loss of blood. The root is used for
both applications: smash it, then dip the
pulp into boiling water and use it as a poultice,
binding it up against fresh burns. Or,
crush the root and boil it in a pot of water
until one third of the original water in the
pot has boiled away, then drink this decoction
once a day to help recovery from severe
blood loss.

Game effect: Used as a poultice for
burns, marsh-mallow speeds healing to such
an extent that a character will receive 2 hit
points per day for each of the first three
days of rest following application, and will
recuperate normally-thereafter. When the
decoction is used to help counter the effects
of blood loss, the victim will regain l-3 hit
points per day (as with Adder's Tongue and
comfrey) instead of the usual one hit point.