Amulet of Protection from Sleep
by Richard Lucas

When worn on a chain or cord around one's neck, this object
prevents its wearer from falling into any sort of sleep, whether normal <WSG>
or induced magically. The wearer is always alert under its influence,
and cannot be affected by a sleep spell, potions or poisons that
cause sleep, the sleep gaze of a jackalwere, or any other item or
procedure that causes sleep or drowsiness.

The amulet of protection from sleep can be worn as long as desired.
However, after three days of continuous use, the wearer will
begin to have mild and infrequent hallucinations. This effect increases
in intensity and frequency on each day thereafter until, after
seven straight days of sleeplessness, the user will contract a form of
insanity, as determined by a roll of 1d6: 1 = dementia praecox, 2 =
delusional insanity, 3 = schizophrenia, 4 = paranoia, 5 or 6 = hallucinatory
insanity. (See the DMG, pp. 83-84, for definitions of these
terms.) The hallucinations will stop immediately if the amulet is
taken off before seven straight days of use, but if the wearer is
stricken by insanity, this condition will persist until removed by a
heal, restoration, or wish spell, or similar magic. If the amulet is
worn for ten consecutive days, the wearer will die as soon as the
tenth day has passed. No magical cures will offset this effect, and the
character can only be brought back to life by a raise dead, resurrection,
or wish spell.

The amulet does not provide a substitute for sleep, it merely
postpones the need for it. A character who goes without sleep by
using the amulet will eventually have to make up for this deficiency.
In making up lost sleep, a character need not always sleep one hour
for every hour he has missed; instead, only one half-hour of
?makeup sleep? is required for each hour missed. This advantage
does not apply when the deficit is a full night?s sleep (8 hours) or
less; in such a case, the lost sleep must be made up on an hour-forhour

The wearer of the amulet is not penalized for lack of sleep (except
by the side effects described above). Lost hit points are regained at
the normal rate, as if the character had been getting regular rest;
similarly, a spellcaster?s ability to study and memorize spells is not
impaired by lack of sleep as long as the amulet is worn.

The amulet can be removed at any time, either by the wearer or
someone else. If the wearer has lost 16 hours (two nights) of sleep or
less when the amulet is removed, he will be able to remain awake on
his own for up to one hour thereafter, as long as he is engaging in
fairly strenuous physical activity. (No one will drop off to sleep in
front of an onrushing dragon, for instance.) If the amulet has been
used to postpone sleep for longer than two nights? worth, the former
wearer will immediately fall asleep when it is removed, and cannot
be awakened by normal means for 1-6 hours thereafter. A haste spell
or similar magic will restore the character to consciousness (but not
provide any hasting effects) for the duration of the magic. Until a
character has made up for all of his lost sleep, he will fight at -1 "to
hit?* for every 8 hours of sleep (or any portion thereof) that have not
yet been made up.

The amulet may be worn by a member of any character class, and
will function continuously and indefinitely without needing to be

Experience Point Value: 500
Gold Piece Sale Value 2000
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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