Magick Items

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Creative magick items +
d100 Table: Orlow's Inventions +


    Shoes of Walking +
    Grounds of Coffee +
    Web of Cob +
    Caps of Bottling +

Magic-Focusing Items +

Merasha +
Oil of Phosphorescence +
Potion of Direction +
Potion of Forgetfulness +
Potion of Missile Protection +
Potion of Nutrition +
Potion of Regeneration +
Potion of Toughening +
Psionics-boosting Potions +

Scroll of Domination +
Scroll of Suggestion +

Ring of the Eagle +
Ring of Engagement +
Ring of the Grasshopper +
The Ring of the Necromancer +
Ring of Oak +
Ring of Truth +

Ring of Rakhamon (CB2)

Ring of Silence +

1. Ring of Liquid Identification +
2. Ring of Infravision +
3. Ring of Awareness +
4. Ring of Light +
5. Ring of Icebolts +
6. Ring of Jolting +
7. Ring of Bladeturning +
8. Ring of Invisibility Negation +
9. Jhessail's Silver Ring +
10. Ring of Lore +
11. Rings of Lycanthropy +
12. Ring of Spell Holding +
13. Wizzo's Ring of Compulsions +

The Rod of Lordly Might-o r-Might - Not +
Rod of Many Things +

Staff of Ethereal Action +
Staff of Spell Focusing +
Staff on Strike-ing +

Spectre Wand +
Wand of Ochalor's Eye +

Amulet of Protection from Sleep +
Amulet of Sleeplessness +
Arrow of Charming +

Bags of Wind +
Ball of Bowling +
Bell of Pavlov +
Book of a Magic-User (UA) +
Boots of Jogging +
Box of Many Holdings +
Bracers of Attraction +
Bracers of the Merman +

Caps of Bottling +
Chime of Warning +

Cloaks +
    Cloak of Night +
    Cloak of battle +
    Cloak of comfort +
    Cloak of fangs +
    Cloak of Guarding +
    Cloak of many colors +
    Cloak of reflection +
    Cloak of stars +
    Cloak of survival +
    Cloak of symbiotic protection +
    Cloak of the shield +

Coracle of the Blue Fires (CB2)

Coronet of Communication +
Crystal of Awareness +

Dragon's Eye +

Eidolon of Khalk-Ru +
Eyes of the Undead +

Flute of Dismissing +
Fountains +

Gauntlets of the Ghoul +
Gauntlets of Heat +
Gem of Not-Too-Brightness +
Girdle of Lions +
Glowing Globe +
Goblet of Glory     +
Grounds of Coffee +

Harps +
    Azler's Harp +
    Methild's Harp +
    Esheen's Harp +
    Nithanalor's Harp +
    Dove's Harp +
    Zunzalor's Harp +
    Jhantra's Harp +
    Valarde's Harp +
    Rhingalade's Harp +
Harrowhelm +

Helms of Changes +
    Helm of Disguise +
    Helm of Creation +
    Helm of Weaponry +
Helm of Subterranean Sagacity +
High Anvil of the Dwarves +
Horn of Hadies +
Horseshoes of Hades +

Inventions, Orlow's +

Jerraman Crystal +
Jewel of Projection +

Leomund's Plate and Cup +
The Lost Book +

Manual of Plush Golems +
The Manual of Trendy and Commercially Lucrative Exercise +

Masks +
    Horned Mask +
    Veil Mask +
    Winged Mask +
    Skull Mask +
    Mask of Magic +
    Fang Mask +
    Mirror Mask +
    Mask of Silence +
    Mask of Winds +
Merithus' Mist Maker +
Mind Link Medallion +
Miniature Metal Monster +

Necklace of Air Breathing +
Necklace of Bad Taste +

Onyx Ball +

Pennant of Bravery +
Periapt of Prophecy Protection +
Periapt of Protection from Vampiric Ixitxachitl +
Pet Rocks +
Pipe of Reeking +
Pipes of the Brewers +
Psychogems +

Quaal's Feather Tokens (DMG)
    More feather tokens +
    Bridge +
    Chest +
    Crown +
    Flame +
    Finger +
    Key +
    Jug +
    Bind +
Ruby Slippers +

Serpent's Servant (CB2)


Shiral Crystal +
Shoes of Walking +
Spongestone +
Sweatsuit +5 +

Talisman of Dreams +
Toothpicks of Lightning +
Transfer Portal +
Trumpet of Doom +

Vision Globe +

Wards Major Matrix +
Web of Cob +
Wyvern Horn Amulet +

Zadron's Pouch of Wonders +

Barlithian's Mystical Mirror +
A Working Design for Heward's Mystical Organ +

The Dancing Hut +

The Fire-Eye +

Dzance's Guardian . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Grimjaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Hawkstone's Bulwark . . . . . . . . 30
Laeral's Storm Armor . . . . . . . . . .31
Laeral's Spell Shield . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Reptar's Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Shoon's Buckler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Thurbrand's Protector . . . . . . . . . . 33

Unless otherwise noted below, 70% of all magical swords are
longswords, with the remainder divided between broadswords
(20%), short swords (5%), bastard swords (4%), and two-handed
swords (1%).

Most magical swords shed light when grasped. This radiance has
an infinite duration and needs no ?recharging.? The light emitted is
generally equal to a light spell in power and effect. The radius of
illumination is 15 feet for short swords, 20 for longswords and
broadswords; 25 for bastard swords, and 30 feet for two-handed

Magick Swords +
Not Another Magickal Sword!
Blades With Personality +
Seven Swords +

Adjatha, "The Drinker" +
Albruin +
Arbane's Sword of Agility +

Sword, Cursed Everstriking +

Demonbane +

Ilbratha, "Mistress of Battle" +

Namara, "The Sword That Never Sleeps" +

The Phoenix Sword (CB2)

Shazzellim +
Singing Sword +
Spellbinder +
Susk, "The Silent Sword" +
Sword of Assassination +
Sword of Cowardice +
Sword of Insanity +
Sword of Intercession +
Sword of Night, +1 +
Syrar's Silver Sword +

Taragarth, "The Blood Brand" +

Unholy Sword +

Alkarg ("Elf-Destroyer") +

Dagger +1/+2 vs. Dolphins +
Dagger +1/+2 vs. Dolphins +
Dagger +1/+3 vs. Koalinth +
Soulseeker (obsidian dagger) +

Frostreaver (DL6)

Mace of Pain +
The Skull Mace +
Spear +2/+4 vs. Sharks +

Trident +1/+3 vs. Reptiles +
Trident +1/+3 vs. Lacedons +
Trident +1/+2 vs. Water Elementals +

Withering Scythe +

Creatures most severely affected by this weapon include all
those known or thought to be native to the elemental plane of
water, such as Tritons, Water Weirds and Water Elementals.
Another of the items crafted by Sahuagin clerics, this trident is
normally only found in the possession of the most powerful
members of that society. Experience Point value: 800. Gold
Piece value: 10,000.

Made by Triton clerics in many shapes and colors, this item
acts as a permanent ward against the vampiric lxitxachitl as well
as Lacedons. Neither of those types of creatures can voluntarily
get closer than 10 feet away from the wearer. If forced inside this
10-foot radius, the creature will fight at -2 to hit. Experience
Point value: 1,500. Gold Piece value: 15,000.

by Bruce Humphrey
In its “dry” state, a Spongestone appears as a chunk of stone
which is rigid, quite porous, and relatively light in weight compared
to an ordinary piece of stone.
This substance has the ability to soak up water from any solid
or liquid substance it is placed in contact with. Each Spongestone
can absorb a volume of water equal to 30 times the volume
of the stone itself; i.e., a Spongestone with a volume of I cubic
foot will soak up 30 cubic feet of water before becoming saturated.
A dry stone will automatically soak up its capacity in water in
the space of three rounds, assuming that a sufficiently large
source of water is at hand. When dry, a Spongestone is light
brown in color. When it is filled with water to one-third of its
capacity, it becomes a darker brown. At two thirds of capacity,
the stone turns light blue, and when it is filled to the maximum,
the stone assumes a deep blue color. (This property makes a
Spongestone quite conspicuous in certain circumstances, such
as when it is found on the bottom of a body of water.) A Spongestone
is not “softened” by the absorption of water, such as an
actual sponge would be; it retains its rigidity no matter how
much water it contains.
Any Spongestone which is saturated to capacity can be
forced to release its stored-up water by the utterance of a command
word. Water which is released in such a manner will drain
out of the stone twice as fast as it was absorbed, so that 1½
rounds after being commanded, a Spongestone will be dry and
the water it contained will have drained into a receptacle or onto
the ground. A stone which has just released all its water will not
be able to begin absorbing water again for one round; at the end
of that time, the stone will begin to re-absorb the water it had just
released, if it has not yet been removed from the water.
A Spongestone which has absorbed water up to its capacity
can be transported without danger to the bearer. However, a dry
or partially filled stone will draw water from the body of a character
or creature who touches it without the benefit of clothing or
armor or some other protection which acts as a barrier to absorption.
Anyone who comes into contact with the stone against
an unprotected body part will take 5-10 (d6+4) points of damage
per round due to dehydration, risking unconsciousness and
death if the contact with the stone is not broken in time.
A Spongestone will absorb pure water, filtering out all impurities
and pollutants, so that the water which is released is
equally pure and may be safely consumed.
A Spongestone of relatively large size may be cleaved in half
by a blow from any magical edged weapon, as long as the
original stone was at least one-half cubic foot in volume. However,
each time such a cutting is attempted, there is a 50%
chance that one of the resulting halves will lose its magical
properties, a 25% chance that both halves will be rendered
useless, and a 25% chance that both halves will be unaffected.
Experience Point value (for one cubic foot): 2,000.
Gold Piece value (for one cubic foot): 15,000.