Amulet of Psionic Reflection
by Roger E. Moore
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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The ancient githyanki-mind flayer wars have spawned a number
of interesting psionic-related magical items and weapons. Among
them is the githyanki amulet of psionic reflection, a small, ornate
device that is pinned to a headband and placed so that it centers on
the user's forehead. The wearer is protected from all psionic blast
attacks made upon him; this protection does not extend to anyone
else. In addition, if a psionic blast is cast upon the person wearing
this amulet, the amulet itself will generate another psionic blast in
the direction of the attacker, at one-half the strength of the original
psionic blast (round fractions down). If the wearer is psionic, he
cannot fire his own psionic blasts without attacking himself at the
same time he attacks everyone else.

This device is generally used by githyanki scouts who operate <Scout class, d161>

alone on missions into mind flayer lairs. Wearing such an amulet is
considered a great honor, and githyanki will go to great lengths to
recover lost amulets from their new owners. Mind flayers will be
equally enraged to see such an amulet if they recognize it as such.
Only humans, githyanki, and githzerai may use this device; psionic
demi-humans and non-psionic characters are neither helped nor
harmed by it.

Experience Point Value: 2,500
Gold Piece Sale Value: 10,000