Bazaar of the Bizarre


By Gary Gygax
Dragon - Magic Items - Dragon 27
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A magical bag of wind (not to be confused with a windbag, which I
have been accused of being from time-to-time) appears to be a normal
large sack, but very careful examination of its drawstring will reveal that
the cord is woven of special fibers and radiates a dim magic if this is
checked for. When the bag of wind is drawn shut, a bow tied, and a
magical word spoken, the bag fills with air — appearing then as a normal
sack filled with some form of goods such as clothing or the like, as it will
seem lumpy and weigh only about 14 pounds or so. The possessor of
the item may at any time loose the bow knot and release the wind which
the bag contains. The effect of the wind depends upon the type of bag of
wind, as detailed below.

The Bag of Aeolus: This sack contains one gust of each of the four
separate winds (Boreas, Euros, Notus, Zephyrus) described hereafter.
These can be loosed one at a time, on command, and the bag retied
after each such release. If the possessor wishes, however, he or she can
release all four winds at once. Such a release will equal the whirlwind
effect of an air elemental, the whirlwind lasting four rounds; the four
winds will increase the strength of any one air elemental in range to a full
eight hit points per hit die, regardless of the number of hit dice of the
elemental. The range of the released winds is 6”. Direction of their effect
is determined by the mouth of the bag when opened.

The Bag of Boreas: When this sack is loosed and the command
word spoken, a blast of freezing wind shoots forth. Creatures within 3”
take 2-12 hit points of frost damage, those within 3” to 6” take 1-6 hit
points of damage, and all small flames and fires of non-magical nature
along the 2” wide course of the wind gust will be extinguished.

The Bag of Euros: The release of this puff of air effects an area 3”
broad by 3” deep. All creatures within this area are effected by a langor
which causes them to deduct one pip from their initiative dice. They will
also be 10% less likely to react unfavorably and attack due to this langor,
unless they are already angry, hostile, or engaging in combat. Fires are
only fanned by this release.

The Bag of Notus: By opening this sack, the possessor releases a
gust of hot, dry air which causes 2-8 hit points of damage to all within 3”,
1-4 hit points of damage to those from 3” to 6” distant and within its 2”
broad path. Water dwelling creatures will take double damage from
dehydration. All fires and flames are affected as described for Boreas.

The Bag of Zephyrus: A gentle breeze issues forth when this
sack is untied, and all those within its 3” broad by 4” deep area of effect
are so refreshed that they gain from 1-4 previously lost hit points. In
addition, all creatures within this area add one pip to their initiative rolls
for the next four turns. Flame and fire are simply fanned by the release of
this zephyr.

The command word necessary to release the wind or winds contained
by one of these bags will typically be magically written upon the
container. Of course the possessor will possibly know the word in the
case involving non-player characters initially owning the item.

Each bag of wind can be used a maximum of four times before its
magical powers are lost. Naturally, any such bag found might have been
previously used, so the number of magical wind releases contained
within can vary from 1-4. The Bag of Aeolus is entirely drained if all four
winds are released at once, and if any one of the separate winds has
been previously released, the whirlwind function of the sack will not

Anytime a magic bag is found you may assume there is a 1 in 4
chance that it is a bag of wind rather than the type indicated on the
miscellaneous magic table. If a 1 is rolled, it is a bag of wind. Roll d6, and
use the table below:
Die Roll Result
6 roll again using d4 instead of d6