Dragon's Eye
by Roger E. Moore
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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A dragon's eye appears to be a small multicolored gemstone,
perfectly spherical in shape and about ½" in diameter. A jeweler will
not be able to estimate its worth, and it seems to be made of no
known mineral or substance. When held up to the light and closely
examined, some specimens of a dragon?s eye may be seen to have a
design within the stone that resembles the silhouette of a dragon in
flight (which may be given as a clue to how the item functions).

When cast into the air at the same time a command word is spoken,
a dragon's eye will vanish in a puff of smoke. In 1-3 rounds, a
young adult dragon of random color (without spellcasting abilities)
will be summoned, appearing 10 feet away from where the character
who cast the dragon?s eye is standing. The dragon will initially be
well predisposed to the summoner, and will obey any reasonable
commands of the summoner that are spoken in the common tongue.
However, the dragon will only remain for a certain period of time
before it vanishes forever. The greater the difference between the
summoner?s alignment and the alignment of the dragon summoned,
the less time the dragon will remain. The following table gives the
different types of dragons that will be randomly summoned by this
d20 roll Dragon color Alignment
1-2 gold LG
3-4 silver NG
5-6 copper CG
7-8 brass CN
9-10 red CE
11-12 black NE
13-14 blue LE
15-16 bronze LN
17-20 green TN

Any dragon summoned by a dragon?s eye will remain with the
summoner for 6 turns if the alignment of the summoner and the
dragon are identical. For every step between the summoner?s alignment
and that of the dragon, counting the latter but not the former,
the duration of the eye?s effect is reduced by 1 turn. For example,
lawful good is four steps away from chaotic evil: from LG to LN or
NG = 1 step; LN or NG to N = 2; N to NE or CN = 3; NE or CN to
CE = 4. Thus, a lawful evil summoner who received a red dragon
after casting the eye would have its services for only 2 turns.

The summoned dragon will generally behave in a manner consistent
with its alignment, unless commanded to do otherwise by the
character controlling it. All of these dragons are of average size and
have 4 hit points per hit die. They can use their breath weapon,
claw, and bite attacks in combat. None of them will have the fear
aura that dragons gain upon reaching adulthood. Each can detect
hidden or invisible creatures within a 4?radius. None of these
dragons, because of the special nature of their summoning, can be
subdued in battle; if commanded to do so, a dragon will fight to the
death on behalf of the summoner.

A dragon's eye can only be used once. It is 90% likely that only
one will be found in any treasure hoard; otherwise, two will be

Experience Point Value: 3000
Gold Piece Sale Value: 20,000