Potion of Frost Resistance
by Michael Persinger

This potion grants immunity to the ill effects of all forms of normal
cold down to -100°F. Partial resistance to magical cold is also
granted; saving throws vs. cold spells are made at +4 on the die, and
damage from cold attacks is reduced by 2 points per die of damage,
down to a minimum of 1 point per die. If only half a dose is consumed,
the potion's benefit against magical cold is halved (+2 on
saves, -1 on each damage die) but the protection from normal cold is
unchanged. A full dose lasts one turn (10 rounds); a half dose lasts 5
rounds. Note that the icy breath weapons of creatures such as white
dragons, winter wolves, and hoar foxes are included in the category
of "magical cold."

Experience Point Value: 250
Gold Piece Sale Value: 400

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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