Gem of Shielding
by Richard Lucas
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This object is a small, magickal gemstone that has the power to
bestow upon its user complete immunity against certain psionic
attacks. Each of these gems has a clear, pale color and initially seems
to be of 10 gp value, though of an unidentifiable sort of gem.

A gem of shielding is pressed to the user?s forehead, where it will
seem to melt into the skin and become invisible. No command word
is necessary for this to occur. Thereafter, the gem performs its protective
functions automatically. The gem may be removed by placing
one?s fingers against the forehead and mentally commanding the
gem to reappear. It is possible for more than one gem to be emplaced
on a character; however, there is a 20% cumulative chance
per extra gem emplaced that a resonance field will be set up between
the two (or more) stones. This resonance field will continue to protect
against the attack forms the gems were designed to stop, but
they will suppress all other psionic defenses that the subject possesses.
A person who is using gems to shield against attack forms C,
D, and E would thus have no defense at all against attack forms A or
B if this occurred. The affected person will not be able to sense his
own vulnerability.

Additionally, the resonance field will alert all psionic creatures
within a one-mile radius of the gem-user as to his location, ruining
all attempts to surprise such creatures. It is also possible for a psionic
creature to track down the gem-user because of the resonance field
given off when the item is in use.

Only 1-2 gems of shielding will usually be found. When one or
more are discovered, the type(s) of gem(s) found may be randomly
determined using the following table.
Die roll 
Color of gem Gem type Protects against attack mode
1-3 pale violet nerve shield A
4-5 pale green mind shield B
6-7 pale orange ego shield C
8-9 pale yellow id shield D
10-11 pale blue psyche shield E
12 clear brain shield special

The brain shield gem gifts its wearer with a generalized defense 
against all 5 psionic attack modes, reducing the psionic strength of 
all such attacks against the wearer by 50 points.  Thus, an attacker 
using a 110-point psionic blast against the wearer of such a gem, 
would only make a 60-point attack against the wearer, though everyone 
around the victim wouild be struck at full strength.  Additionally, 
the brain shield gem puts up a screen that keeps away cerebral parasites, 
effective out to a 60' radius.

- XP Value* GP Sale Value
Nerve shield 450 7,000
Ego shield 300 5,000
Ego shield 300 5,000
Id shield 300 5,000
Psyche shield 300 5,000
Brain shield 500 8,000

* -- Only psionic characters may gain XP from 
using gems of shielding.  Characters without innate psionic powers 
may NOT employ these gems in any fashion, but they may sell them if 
so desired.