Hammer of Penetration
by John Uustal
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This hammer is sometimes described as a smaller version of a
maul of the titans. It is a large-headed hammer with a 2' long handle.
The hammer's head slopes down to a point on one side, and the
hammer is not balanced for throwing.

The hammer of penetration may be used one-handed in combat,

and it does double normal hammer damage (4-10/2-8), plus a +3
bonus to hit and damage. When used two-handed on walls up to 2?
thick, the hammer will have a chance of smashing through a hole in
the door equal to double the wielder's chances to bend bars or lift
gates. The hole will be large enough to allow a man-sized or smaller
being to crawl through it without trouble. The pointed end of the
hammer must be used to smash through wooden barriers.

Experience Point Value: 2,000
Gold Piece Sale Value: 20,000