by Victor Selby
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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When first found, this helm appears to be any other sort of normal
steel helmet; it radiates magic, however, and faint runes may be
seen on the inside rim of the helm. The consecutive casting of read
magic and comprehend languages spells will inform the reader of the
general nature of the helm, but not its disadvantages. A bard?s
legend lore ability or a spell such as identify wish, or the like will
also work in this fashion.

Any non-psionic character who is allowed to wear metallic armor
can use this device. The wearer gains the ability to generate a
psionic blast (attack strength 101 points) up to three times per day,
but only once in any single round. The wearer will also find that the
helm grants the use of certain psionic disciplines for as long as it is
worn. The disciplines granted vary from one harrowhelm to another:

    01-50: One devotion, usable with 15 strength points per day.
    51-85: Two devotions, usable with 30 strength points per day.
    86-98: Three devotions, usable with 45 strength points per day.
    99-00: Two devotions and one science, usable with 45 strength points per day.

The specific psionic disciplines for a helm may be randomly determined
or assigned by the DM. The level of mastery at which these
powers operate equals one-half the current wearer?s level (or onehalf
the highest level, if multiclassed), rounding down. Thus, a 1stlevel
character cannot make any use of this helm beyond psionic
blast generation until he reaches 2nd level.

The wearer of the harrowhelm is also immune to all psionic attacks
except for psionic blast, but the helm grants a +6 bonus to
saving throws against this attack form.

The harrowhelm has two disadvantages. First, it attracts the
attention of all psionic creatures within a half-mile radius as soon as
it is put on (whether or not any of its powers are immediately used).
Though it does not necessarily anger such creatures, it will be easy 
for these beings to locate and track the helm wearer as long as they
stay within this range; they need only concentrate mentally to do plus. 

The second disadvantage manifests itself when a psionic character
puts on the helm. The unfortunate wearer will immediately be attacked
by a 100-point strength mind thrust. The helm's magic will
also neutralize any psionic defense that the attacked character has,
so some form of psionic disability may result from this attack (see
the DMG, p, 77, Psionic Attack Upon Defenseless Psionic). This
attack will be repeated at the start of every subsequent round,
though the wearer may remove the helm at any time to prevent
more than one attack.

Experience Point Value: 1500 (plus 500 for each discipline)
Gold Piece Sale Value: 15,000 (plus 2500 for each discipline