by Lenard Lakofka
Dragon - Magic Items - Dragon 28
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These devices appear in many forms, sometimes they are platters,
sometimes plates; sometimes mugs, sometimes goblets but in any case
they will be made of silver, gold or platinum and will be engraved. The
value of their metal and the engraving will not be visible until the plate or
cup is commanded to function. When told to fill itself, the item will pro-
duce an excellent meal of epicurian quality in the case of a plate
(enough for 4 people in the case of a platter) or a fine wine or beer in the
case of a goblet or mug. The plate/platter can function three times per
day; the mug 5 times per day, the goblet 7 times per day. The item
MUST be cleaned with sweet or holy water at least once per week or it
will never function again. This cleaning is not necessary if the item has
not been used during any given week.