Necklace of Bad Taste
by David Baldwin
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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Though sages argue that this item is more correctly called a necklace
of tasting bad, the common name has stuck. This appears to be
a magical necklace of unspecified nature until fastened around someone
?s neck. Immediately, the necklace causes the wearer to emit a
terrible odor from his skin. All characters and most monsters within
a 10? radius of the wearer will become so uncomfortable with the
smell that they must save vs. poison at +2 or become nauseated and
unable to attack or defend themselves for 1-4 rounds. Even if the
save is made, those within the 10? radius will suffer a -2 penalty on
all ?to hit? rolls for as long as they remain in that area.

The real value in owning such a necklace becomes apparent when
one is attacked by a monster that bites at prey. The necklace affects
any living creature that is native to the Prime Material Plane. If a
monster meeting that description bites the wearer of a necklace of
bad taste, the monster will immediately suffer an attack of nausea
(no saving throw) and will be unable to attack again for 2-5 rounds
(though the creature can flee at half normal speed). That monster
will not again bite the person wearing the necklace, but claw, tail, or
missile attacks may be used if such are possible for the attacker.

One of every four of these necklaces are cursed so that they cannot
be unlocked from the wearer?s neck once fastened in place. Only a
wish will remove a cursed necklace of bad taste.

Experience Point Value: 500
Gold Piece Sale Value: 1000