Psionics-boosting potions
by Roger E. Moore

A few potions are known to psionic magic-users and alchemists
that are capable of increasing a psionic character?s attack and defense
strengths for a limited time after being consumed. A potion of
this type takes effect 2-8 segments after imbibing it, and the effects
can last anywhere from 2-40 turns (2d20).

Below are descriptions of these potions, giving their effects and
brief words on the materials required to manufacture them. Specific
details of potion-making are left up to the DM. Experience points
for these potions can only be gained by psionic characters who consume
and use them; the drinker must employ at least one of the
psionic modes affected by the potion before the duration of that dose
expires. No experience-point award is given for simply drinking it.

The potions described here are most probably the only ones of
their kind. The major ingredient of each is taken from a nonhumanoid
creature native to the Prime Material plane that has
psionic attack or defense ability, and the effects of each potion are
closely tied to the abilities of the source creature. These major ingredients
must be taken from creatures slain without the use of magic
or psionics; failure to do so will spoil the ingredient and make the
resultant potion useless ? perhaps (10% chance) even poisonous!

A character who drinks a psionics-boosting potion receives extra
strength points when he employs one of the attack/defense modes
that the potion affects. This boost enables the drinker to attack or
defend as if his current psionic strength was increased by the amount
of the bonus. However, the user cannot receive these bonus points if
he doesn?t have enough of his own psionic strength points remaining
to use the attack or defense mode normally. For example, someone
who drinks the violet potion will not receive bonus points for using a
psionic blast unless that character has at least 20 strength points
remaining (so that he would be able to use that attack mode even if
he had not drunk the potion) and actually employs a psionic blast

Green -- This potion adds 50 points onto all psionic blast attacks
made by the drinker, and 100 points onto all defense modes used as
well. A specimen of tissue from an algoid is required to manufacture
this potion.
Experience Point Value: 300
Gold Piece Sale Value: 600

Violet -- This potion adds 100 points to all psionic blast attacks
made by the drinker, and 50 points to any defense modes used while
the potion is in effect. The brain of a mind flayer is required to make
this potion.
Experience Point Value: 300
Gold Piece Sale Value: 650

White -- Adds 50 attack points to all mind thrust atacks made by
the drinker, but no defensive alterations. This potion requires one
brain mole to create.
Experience Point Value: 200

Gold Piece Sale Value: 300

Gray -- Adds 50 attack points to all psychic crush attacks, but
makes no defensive alterations in the imbiber. Parts from a psionic
gray ooze are required to manufacture such a potion.
Experience Point Value: 200
Gold Piece Sale Value: 350

Silver -- This drink will add 50 strength points to any ego whip or
id insinuation attacks made by the drinker, and 50 points to any
psionic defenses used. An intellect devourer?s body is required to
make this potion.
Experience Point Value: 300
Gold Piece Sale Value: 650

Yellow -- This potion adds 50 points to all id insinuation attacks
made by the drinker, and also makes the drinker immune to psionic
attack for the duration of the potion?s effects. One-half cubic foot of 
material from a living colony of psionic yellow mold, collected in an

appropriate container, is needed to make this potion.
Experience Point Value: 300
Gold Piece Sale Value: 600

Red -- This potion adds 25 points to any psionic blast, psychic
crush, or mind thrust attacks made by the drinker, as well as 100
points to any psionic defense mounted. The brain of a su-monster is
required to make this drink.
Experience Point Value: 350
Gold Piece Sale Value: 650
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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