Ring of Energy
by Michael Persinger
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This magical ring always has a gem of some sort in its setting.
Upon command, a pencil-thin beam of energy can be made to shoot
out from the gem toward a desired target. The beam will automatically
hit any desired target located along an unobstructed line of
sight from the ring wearer and within 60 feet of the wearer. A save
vs. spell is allowed to avoid the beam and its damage, and if the
intended target makes its saving throw, the beam will continue along
its straight-line path and may hit an unintended target that lies
within range. The power beam of the ring of energy loses potency as
it travels outward. Against a target within 20 feet of the ring wearer,
the beam does 4-24 points of damage; at 21 to 30 feet, it does 3-18
points of damage; at 31 to 40, 2-12 points; and at 41 to 60 feet, 1-6
points. The beam only affects living things; golems, undead, and
creatures of similar sort are not hurt by it, but it will hit such a
creature and in so doing expend its energy. The ring of energy cannot
be used more than four times in one day. The energy of the
power beam is drawn from the Ethereal Plane; as such, each usage
has a 3% chance (non-cumulative) of opening a passageway to that
plane and causing a terithran (see FIEND FOLIO® Tome) to arrive
on the Prime Material Plane. Any such creature ?summoned? in
this fashion will appear 30 feet away from the ring wearer and will
immediately move in to attack in an attempt to destroy the ring (and
its possessor).

Experience Point Value: 500
Gold Piece Sale Value: 6,000