Ring of the Grasshopper
by David Baldwin

While wearing this ring, a character weighing up to 250 lbs. can
jump (as per the magic-user spell) once per turn for a number of
times per day equal to his strength score. (A strength of 18, with or
without an exceptional rating, will allow for 18 jumps per day.) If
the wearer of a ring of the grasshopper attempts to jump more often
than allowed by his strength, he must save vs. paralyzation each
time he lands. Failure to save indicates that he suffers leg injuries,
causing 5-8 points of damage and reducing the victim?s movement
rate to 3?. A character injured in this manner will find running,
leaping, and other strenuous activity involving the legs to be impossible
for 6-36 hours afterward, unless a heal spell is applied to neutralize
the ill effects.

Experience Point Value: 1000
Gold Piece Sale Value: 5000
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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