Rod of Many Things
by Andrew Dewar

In its inactive state, a rod of many things appears to be a featureless
shaft of silver, 3 feet long and 1 inch in diameter. An identify
spell will reveal that this device can be commanded to form itself
into numerous other items, but the spell will not reveal what shapes
can be assumed or the means of getting the rod to take on those

In truth, all that is required to cause the rod to take on a particular
shape is a specific mental command naming the desired object.
The wielder of the rod can also issue a general command for the rod
to ?do something,? which will cause the rod to shape itself into one
of the forms given on the following table. (This often happens when
a new owner is trying to figure out what the rod can do.)

Every time the rod of many things assumes a certain shape, the
owner of the rod will thereafter be able to ?call up? that particular
item by name. The owner may use guesswork to find out if a certain
shape is possible, and if he guesses right the desired object will take
form. If a specific guess names an item that the rod is incapable of
forming itself into, the wielder must save vs. spell or suffer 2-12
points of electrical shock damage.

It is possible for one owner to pass down information to a new
owner about what a rod of many things can or cannot do. If a rod is
offered for sale along with an extensive list of shapes it can assume,
the gold piece sale value would be increased by a significant amount
over the base figure given at the end of this description.

Because the rod is made of pure silver, any weapon shape it forms
into can be used to attack monsters that are vulnerable to silver
weapons. Though weapons ?created? by use of the rod have no
bonuses ?to hit? or damage, they can be used to attack any creature
hit only by a weapon of +1 or better. The user will suffer a penalty
?to hit? if attempting to use a weapon-shape with which he has no
proficiency. All class restrictions on weapons still apply, too; for
instance, a cleric could make a rod of many things into a dagger (or
any other edged weapon) to cut a rope, but could not use the dagger
in combat.

The rod will retain any shape it is formed into until the wielder
issues a mental command for it to change back to its inactive state.
The rod cannot change directly from one shape into another, and
any attempt to command it to do so will have no effect. (A treasure
hoard might contain a weapon or other item that is actually a rod of
many things ?in disguise,? having been changed to a certain form
but then separated from its owner before being commanded to
change back.)

Possible objects:
Die roll Item formed
01-04 Axe, hand
05-06 Broom
07 Bo stick
08-09 Cable, 50' long
10 Candlestick holder
11 <Bat>
12-13 Crowbar
14-16 Dagger
17-19 Dart
20-21 Flail, footman's
22-24 Fork (for dinner)
25-27 Fork, hay
28-30 Fork, military
31-32 Guisarme
33-36 Halberd
37-41 Hammer
42-46 Hoe
47-48 Hoof pick
49-50 Javelin
51 Jo stick
52-53 Lance, light
54-57 Mace, footman's
58 Needle
59-61 Oar
62 Pick, military, footman's
63-65 Poker, fireplace
66-67 Pole, 10' long
68-69 Scimitar
70-71 Spade
72-75 Spear
76-78 Staff, quarter
79-80 Sword, bastard
81-83 Sword, broad
84-89 Sword, long
90-93 Sword, short
94-95 Sword, 2-handed
96-98 Trident
99-00 Toothpick

Experience Point Value: 7500
Gold Piece Sale Value: 25,000
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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