Shield of Dragon Protection
by John Uustal
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This shield has magical runes across its front and back rim which <font>
spell out the word dragon. The runes are magical, so that anyone
who reads them will see the word written in his native tongue.
Whenever a dragon comes within 30' of the shield, the word
"dragon" will glow softly for one segment, then fade.

The shield of dragon protection is normally an item of +3 in

protective power, but it confers +5 protection from all non-magical
dragon attacks (including claws and bite). If the word dragon is
spoken aloud by the shield?s bearer, in the language in which the
word appears to be written on the shield, the whole shield begins to
glow with the effect of a light spell and an additional bonus is conferred.
If the bearer makes his saving throw vs. the dragon?s breath
weapon, he will take no damage from it, and only half damage will
be taken if the saving throw is failed. Finally, the shield gives a +3
bonus to the bearer?s saving throw against any magical spells cast by
dragons against him, as per a ring of protection.

Experience Point Value: 1,100

Gold Piece Sale Value: 11,000