Staff of Spell Focusing
by Richard Lucas

This staff aids in the casting of a <wizard's> or illusionist?s
spells, and makes the magic more effective if the spell is cast successfully.
It must be held in the caster?s left hand throughout the casting
of the spell, whether or not the magic requires a somatic component.
(Any gestures requiring movement of the left hand are automatically
modified by the staff if necessary.)

When properly employed, the staff of spell focusing causes the
target(s) of a spell to suffer a -4 penalty on the saving throw against
the magic, if a saving throw is normally allowed. If the spell does not
allow a saving throw, the duration of its effect is increased by 50%
of the normal time. This effect does not apply to spells with a nonspecific
duration or to those that have a permanaent duration.

Each use of the staff, for either purpose, expends one charge from
the item. It can be recharged. If the holder of the staff tries to enhance
a spell that cannot be affected (such as hallucinatory terrain,
which allows no saving throw and has a non-specific duration), the
staff simply fails to function and a charge is not wasted.

The staff of spell focusing can only be used in this manner by a
magic-user or illusionist. It can be wielded as a weapon by characters
able to employ a quarterstaff, but grants no combat bonuses and
has no magical properties.

Experience Point Value: 6000
Gold Piece Sale Value: 25,000
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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