Stone of Mysterious Sounds
by Nick Kopsinis
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This stone appears to be similar to any other magical stone,
though it is malleable and can be easily grasped and reshaped by a
human hand. The stone cannot be pulled apart into smaller stones,
and it has only limited elasticity. Each such stone weighs 50 gp.

A character may hurl this stone up to 30?. If the character?s
strength is 15 or greater, the stone will stick to whatever non-living
surface it strikes (roll ?to hit? against AC 6). The stone will remain
stuck to that surface until it is pulled off (which doesn?t require any
special strength roll). Three segments after it sticks to a surface, the
stone will emit one of a number of different sounds. The stone will
broadcast this sound until it is pulled free of the surface to which it is

A character may also fit the stone onto a solid surface (requiring a
strength of 15 or better, but no ?to hit? roll), then strike the stone
with a heavy blunt object to start the sound production (again, not
requiring a ?to hit? roll).

The stone of mysterious sounds is useful for distracting and deterring

opponents from pursuit, to allow the characters to escape or
gain time for other actions. Each time the stone is activiated, a roll
must be made on the following table to determine what sound it
Dice Noise produced
01-04 creaking
05-08 buzzing bees
09-12 groaning*
13-16 footsteps <link>
17-20 ocean waves on beach
21-24 stones grinding
25-28 laughter*
29-32 coughing*
33-36 sneezing*
37-40 muffled whispering*
41-44 whip cracks
45-48 fingers snapping
49-52 mumbled chanting*
53-56 screaming*
57-60 animal growling
61-64 birds chirping
65-68 horns (musical)
69-72 steady rain
73-76 wind chimes
77-80 fighting (swords clashing, shouts, etc.)*
81-84 speech**
85-88 whistling*
89-92 chains rattling
93-96 crying*
97-00 wind blowing

* -- The race of the person(s) making the sound cannot be determined,
and no intelligible speech will be discerned.

** * -- The race of the person(s) speaking can be determined using

the random languages table in the DMG, p. 102. The content of the
speech may be determined by the DM as desired.

Experience Point Value: 500
Gold Piece Sale Value: 5,000